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METS: An Overview & Tutorial


METS is a standard for the encoding of descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata for complex digital objects, whether these are text-, video- or image-based. A Digital Library Federation initiative, METS provides an XML document format for encoding metadata necessary for both the management of digital objects within a repository and the exchange of such objects between repositories, or between repositories and their users. Depending on its use, a METS document can be used in the role of Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP), or Dissemination Information Package (DIP) within the Open Archival Information System (OAIS) Reference Model.

METS provides a coherent integrated framework for the complex set of metadata needed for maintaining a library of digital objects. This metadata is both more extensive than and different from that used for managing collections of printed works and other physical materials. A book, for instance, will not dissolve into a series of unconnected pages if its owner fails to record structural metadata regarding the book’s organization, nor will scholars be unable to evaluate the book’s worth if the creator fails to note how it was produced. The same cannot be said for a digital version of the same book. Without structural metadata, the page image or text files comprising the digital work are of little use, and without technical metadata regarding the digitization process, scholars may be unsure of how accurate a reflection of the original the digital version provides. An organization must also have access to appropriate technical metadata for internal management purposes in order, for instance, to periodically refresh and migrate the data, so ensuring the durability of valuable resources.

A METS document consists of four main sections:

  1. METS Header - The METS Header contains metadata describing the METS document itself, including such information as creator, editor, last modification date, etc.

  2. Metadata Section - The metadata section can provide information regarding descriptive metadata, technical metadata describing how the files were created and stored, intellectual property rights, metadata regarding the original source object from which the digital object derives, and information regarding the provenance of the files comprising the digital object (i.e., master/derivative file relationships, and migration/transformation information). The <md> element can point to metadata external to the METS document (e.g., a MARC record in an OPAC or an EAD finding aid maintained on a WWW server), or contain internally embedded metadata, or both. Multiple instances of both external and internal metadata may be included in the metadata section.

  3. File Section - The file section lists all files containing content which comprise the electronic versions of the digital object. <file> elements may be grouped within <fileGrp> elements, to provide for subdividing the files by object version.

  4. Structural Section - The structural section contains the <structMap> elements that provide hierarchical organizations of the components of the digital object, and links the elements of that structure to content files and metadata that pertain to each element. Multiple structural maps are allowed.

A more detailed explanation of each section and their inter-relations follows.

METS Header

The METS Header element allows you to record minimal descriptive metadata about the METS object itself within the METS document. This metadata includes the date of creation for the METS document, the date of its last modification, and a status for the METS document. You may also record the names of one or more agents who have played some role with respect to the METS document, specify the role they have played, and add a small note regarding their activity. Finally, you may record a variety of alternative identifiers for the METS document to supplement the primary identifier for the METS document recorded in the OBJID attribute on the METS root element. A small example of a METS Header might look like the following:

<metsHdr CREATEDATE="2003-07-04T15:00:00" RECORDSTATUS="Complete">
    <name>Jerome McDonough</name>
    <name>Ann Butler</name>

This example contains two attributes on the <metsHdr> element, CREATEDATE and RECORDSTATUS, which are used to indicate the date and time the METS record was created, and indicate the status of the record’s processing. Two individual agents are listed who have worked on this METS record, the person responsible for creating the record and an archivist responsible for the original material. Both the ROLE and TYPE attributes on the <agent> element best employ controlled vocabularies

Metadata Section

The metadata section of a METS document contains all metadata pertaining to the digital object, its components and any original source material from which the digital object is derived. The <mdSec> element consists of one or more <md> elements, optionally grouped by one or more <mdGrp> elements.

Note that all <mdSec>, <mdGrp> and <md> elements must possess an ID attribute. This attribute provides a unique, internal name for each element within the METS document which can be used in the file section and structural section to link a particular file or file group or particular division of the document hierarchy to a particular metadata element with an MDID attribute. This allows specific sections of metadata to be linked to specific parts of the digital object.

Metadata in <md> element may pertain to the object described in the METS document as a whole, the original source material used to create the object, or the individual files comprising the object.

Generally there are five main types of metadata provided for in a METS document:

  1. Descriptive metadata about the digital object, such as MARC, MODS, EAD, Dublin Core, etc;
  2. Technical Metadata (information regarding files’ creation, format, and use characteristics), such as PREMIS, NISOIMG, etc;
  3. Intellectual Property Rights Metadata (copyright and license information), such as PREMIS, ODRL, etc;
  4. Source Metadata (descriptive and administrative metadata regarding the analog source from which a digital object derives), and
  5. Digital Provenance Metadata (information regarding source/destination relationships between files, including master/derivative relationships between files and information regarding migrations/transformations employed on files between original digitization of an artifact and its current incarnation as a digital object), such as PREMIS.etc.

Each of these five different types of metadata can have a distinct USE attribute in the <md> element with suggested values: DESCRIPTIVE, TECHNICAL, RIGHTS, SOURCE, or PROVENANCE. See METS2 Suggested Attribute Values on METS Wiki.

<md> elements may occur as many times as needed in any METS document with any combination of USE attributes.

Each <md> element may contain a pointer to external metadata (an <mdRef> element), internally embedded metadata (within an <mdWrap> element), or both.

External Metadata (mdRef): an <mdRef> element provides a URI which may be used in retrieving the external metadata. For example, the following metadata reference points to the finding aid for a particular digital object:

<md USE="DESCRIPTIVE" ID="dmd001">
  <mdRef MIMETYPE="application/xml" MDTYPE="EAD"
    LABEL="Berol Collection Finding Aid" LOCTYPE="URI" LOCREF="urn:x-nyu:fales1735" />

The <mdRef> element of this <md> element contains five attributes. The MIMETYPE attribute allows you to specify the MIME type for the external metadata, and the MDTYPE attribute allows you to indicate what form of metadata is being referenced. Suggested values for the MDTYPE element are listed on METS2 Suggested Attribute Values on METS Wiki.

The LABEL attribute provides a mechanism for describing this metadata to those viewing a METS document, in a ‘Table of Contents’ display of the METS document, for example. The attribute pair LOCTYPE and LOCREF contain information about the location of the external metadata. The LOCTYPE attribute is used to record the type of the reference (e.g. URI, URL, database, relative path), and the actual reference is given in LOCREF attribute.

Internal Metadata (mdWrap): An <mdWrap> element provides a wrapper around metadata embedded within a METS document. Such metadata can be in one of two forms: 1. XML-encoded metadata, with the XML-encoding identifying itself as belonging to a namespace other than the METS document namespace, or 2. any arbitrary binary or textual form, PROVIDED that the metadata is Base64 encoded and wrapped in a <binData> element within the <mdWrap> element. The following examples demonstrate the use of the <mdWrap> element for descriptive metadata:

<md ID="dmd002" USE="DESCRIPTIVE">
  <mdWrap MIMETYPE="text/xml" MDTYPE="DC" LABEL="Dublin Core Metadata">
      <dc:title>Alice's Adventures in Wonderland</dc:title>
      <dc:creator>Lewis Carroll</dc:creator>
      <dc:date>between 1872 and 1890</dc:date>
      <dc:publisher>McCloughlin Brothers</dc:publisher>
<md ID="dmd003" USE="DESCRIPTIVE">
  <mdWrap MIMETYPE="application/marc" MDTYPE="MARC" LABEL="OPAC Record">

Technical, rights, source, and digital provenance metadata can be included in the same way:

<md USE="TECHNICAL" ID="techmd001">
  <mdWrap MIMETYPE="text/xml" MDTYPE="NISOIMG" LABEL="NISO Img. Data">
      <niso:ScanningAgency>NYU Press</niso:ScanningAgency>

A <file> element within a <fileGrp> element might then identify this technical metadata as pertaining to the file it identifies by using an MDID attribute to point to this <md> element:

<file ID="FILE001" MDID="techmd001">
  <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" LOCREF="" />

File Section

The file section (<fileSec>) can contain one or more <fileGrp> elements used to group together related files. An optional <fileGrp> element lists all of the <file> elements which comprise a single electronic version of the digital object. For example, there might be separate <fileGrp> elements for the thumbnails, the master archival images, the pdf versions, the TEI encoded text versions, etc.

Consider the following example of a file section from a digital object for an oral history which has three different versions: a TEI-encoded transcript, a master audio file in WAV format, and a derivative audio file in MP3 format:

  <fileGrp ID="VERS1">
    <file ID="FILE001" MIMETYPE="application/xml" SIZE="257537" CREATED="2001-06-10T00:00:00Z">
      <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" LOCREF="" />
  <fileGrp ID="VERS2">
    <file ID="FILE002" MIMETYPE="audio/wav" SIZE="64232836"
      CREATED="2001-05-17T00:00:00Z" GROUPID="AUDIO1">
      <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" LOCREF="" />
  <fileGrp ID="VERS3" VERSDATE="2001-05-18T00:00:00Z">
    <file ID="FILE003" MIMETYPE="audio/mpeg" SIZE="8238866"
      CREATED="2001-05-18T00:00:00Z" GROUPID="AUDIO1">
      <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" LOCREF="" />

In this case, the <fileSec> element contains three subsidiary <fileGrp> elements, one for each different version of the object. The first is an XML-encoded transcription file, the second is a master audio file in WAV format, and the third is a derivative audio file in MP3 format. While such a basic example does not really seem to need the <fileGrp> elements to distinguish the different versions of the object, <fileGrp> becomes much more useful for objects consisting of large numbers of scanned page images, or indeed any case where a single version of the object consists of a large number of files. In those cases, being able to separate <file> elements into <fileGrp>s makes identifying the files belonging to a particular version of the document a simple task.

The location of the files is captured in the <FLocat> element. The attribute pair LOCTYPE and LOCREF must be used when using a reference of any kind. The LOCTYPE attribute is used to record the type of the reference (e.g. URL, database, relative path, see METS2 Suggested Attribute Values for more suggested values), and the actual reference is given in LOCREF attribute.

You may note the presence of the GROUPID attributes with identical values on the two audio <file> elements; these indicate that the two files, while belonging to different versions of the object, contain the same basic information (you can use the GROUPID attribute for the same purpose to indicate equivalent page image files in digital objects containing many scanned page images).

You should also note that all of the <file> elements have a unique ID attribute. This attribute provides a unique, internal name for this file within the METS document which can be referenced by other portions of the document. You’ll see this type of referencing in action when we look at the Structural Section.

It should be mentioned that <file> elements may possess an <FContent> element rather than an <FLocat> element. <FContent> elements are used to embed the actual contents of the file within the METS document; if this is done, the file contents must either be in XML format or be Base64-encoded. While embedding files is not something one would typically do when preparing a METS document for use in displaying a digital objects to users, it can be a valuable feature for exchanging digital objects between repositories, or for archiving versions of digital objects for off-site storage.

Structural Section

The structural section of a METS document defines one or more hierarchical structures which can be presented to users of the digital object to allow them to navigate through it. The <structSec> element contains one or more <structMap> elements which potentially describe multiple arrangements of files, for example, it could describe both a physical layout of files on disk as well as a logical arrangement of intellectual content. The <structMap> element encodes this hierarchy as a nested series of <div> elements. Each <div> carries attribute information specifying what kind of division it is, and also may contain multiple METS pointer (<mptr>) and file pointer (<fptr>) elements to identify content corresponding with that <div>. METS pointers specify separate METS documents as containing the relevant file information for the <div> containing them. This can be useful when encoding large collections of material (e.g., an entire journal run) to keep the size of each METS file in the set relatively small. File pointers specify files (or in some cases either groups of files or specific locations within a file) within the current METS document’s <fileSec> section that correspond to the portion in the hierarchy represented by the current <div>.

The following provides an example of an extremely simple structural map within a structural section:

<structMap TYPE="logical">
  <div ID="div1" LABEL="Oral History: Mayor Abraham Beame" TYPE="oral history">
    <div ID="div1.1" LABEL="Interviewer Introduction" ORDER="1">
      <fptr FILEID="FILE001">
      <fptr FILEID="FILE002">
        <area FILEID="FILE002" BEGIN="00:00:00" END="00:01:47" BETYPE="TIME"/>
      <fptr FILEID="FILE003">
        <area FILEID="FILE003" BEGIN="00:00:00" END="00:01:47" BETYPE="TIME"/>
    <div ID="div1.2" LABEL="Family History" ORDER="2">
      <fptr FILEID="FILE001">
      <fptr FILEID="FILE002">
        <area FILEID="FILE002" BEGIN="00:01:48" END="00:06:17" BETYPE="TIME"/>
      <fptr FILEID="FILE003">
        <area FILEID="FILE003" BEGIN="00:01:48" END="00:06:17" BETYPE="TIME"/>
    <div ID="div1.3" LABEL="Introduction to Teachers' Union" ORDER="3">
      <fptr FILEID="FILE001">
      <fptr FILEID="FILE002">
        <area FILEID="FILE002" BEGIN="00:06:18" END="00:10:03" BETYPE="TIME"/>
      <fptr FILEID="FILE003">
        <area FILEID="FILE003" BEGIN="00:06:18" END="00:10:03" BETYPE="TIME"/>

This structural map shows that we have an oral history (with Mayor Abraham Beame of New York City) that includes three subsections: an opening introduction by the interviewer, some family history from Mayor Beame, and a discussion of how he came to be involved with the teachers’ union in New York. Each of these subsections/divisions is linked to three files (taken from our earlier example of file groups): an XML transcription, and a master and derivative audio file. A subsidiary <area> element is used in each <fptr> to indicate that this division corresponds with only a portion of the linked file, and to identify the exact portion of each linked file. For example, the first division (the interviewer introduction) is linked to a portion of the XML transcription file (FILE001) which is found between the two tags in the transcription file with ID attribute values of “INTVWBG” and “INTVWND.” It is also linked to the two different audio files; in these cases, rather than specifying ID attribute values within the linked files, the begin and end points of the linked material within the files is indicated by a simple time code value of the form HH:MM:SS. So, the interviewer introduction can be found in both audio files in the segment beginning at time 00:00:00 in the file and extending through time 00:01:47.


The METS schema provides a flexible mechanism for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata for a digital object and its parts, and for expressing the complex links between these various forms of metadata and constituent parts of the object. It can therefore provide a useful standard for the exchange of digital objects between repositories. The above discussion highlights the major features of the schema, but a thorough examination of the schema and its included documentation is necessary to understand the full range of its capabilities.