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METS 2 is nearing its final release. The elements and attributes of METS 2 were finalized in September 2022, but work on documentation and other supporting materials continues.

The METS 2 schema is available for use, with several supporting resources:

Resources available for METS 2:

METS 2 Profiles

Profiles for METS 2 are a work in progress.

Changes from METS 1 to METS 2

Compared to METS 1, METS 2 simplifies the schema, makes it more consistent, and removes reliance on the outdated XLink standard. It aims to retain a clear path for migration from METS 1 for most use cases.

There is also a detailed description the changes from METS 1 to METS 2 along with fully-worked examples of METS 2 documents.


METS 1.x continues to be available.

Contact Us

METS is maintained by the METS Editorial Board. To contact the board, provide feedback, and discuss METS 2, join the METS mailing list.