
Used by
Element fileType / FLocat
The file location element <FLocat> provides a pointer to the location of a content file. It uses the XLink reference syntax to provide linking information indicating the actual location of the content file, along with other attributes specifying additional linking information. NOTE: <FLocat> is an empty element. The location of the resource pointed to MUST be stored in the xlink:href attribute.
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Fixed Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
LOCTYPE restriction of xsd:string required
LOCTYPE (string/R): Specifies the locator type used in the xlink:href attribute. Valid values for LOCTYPE are: 
OTHERLOCTYPE xsd:string optional
OTHERLOCTYPE (string/O): Specifies the locator type when the value OTHER is used in the LOCTYPE attribute. Although optional, it is strongly recommended when OTHER is used.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file  represented by the <FLocat> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).
xlink:actuate restriction of string optional
xlink:arcrole string optional
xlink:href anyURI optional
xlink:role string optional
xlink:show restriction of string optional
xlink:title string optional
xlink:type string simple optional
<xsd:element name="FLocat" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file location element <FLocat> provides a pointer to the location of a content file. It uses the XLink reference syntax to provide linking information indicating the actual location of the content file, along with other attributes specifying additional linking information. NOTE: <FLocat> is an empty element. The location of the resource pointed to MUST be stored in the xlink:href attribute.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="LOCATION"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FLocat> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
Schema location
Element fileType / FContent
The file content element <FContent> is used to identify a content file contained internally within a METS document. The content file must be either Base64 encoded and contained within the subsidiary <binData> wrapper element, or consist of XML information and be contained within the subsidiary <xmlData> wrapper element.
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children binData, xmlData
<FContent ID="" USE="" xmlns="">
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).
<xsd:element name="FContent" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file content element <FContent> is used to identify a content file contained internally within a METS document. The content file must be either Base64 encoded and contained within the subsidiary <binData> wrapper element, or consist of XML information and be contained within the subsidiary <xmlData> wrapper element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="binData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain a Base64 encoded file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="xmlData" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">An xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain an XML encoded file. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> element is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an xsi:schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element fileType / FContent / binData
A binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain a Base64 encoded file.
Type xsd:base64Binary
content simple
minOccurs 0
<xsd:element name="binData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain a Base64 encoded file.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element fileType / FContent / xmlData
An xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain  an XML encoded file. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> element is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an xsi:schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.
content complex
minOccurs 0
ANY element from ANY namespace
<xsd:element name="xmlData" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">An xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain an XML encoded file. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> element is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an xsi:schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
Schema location
Element fileType / stream
A component byte stream element <stream> may be composed of one or more subsidiary streams. An MPEG4 file, for example, might contain separate audio and video streams, each of which is associated with technical metadata. The repeatable <stream> element provides a mechanism to record the existence of separate data streams within a particular file, and the opportunity to associate <dmdSec> and <amdSec> with those subsidiary data streams if desired.
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use Annotation
ADMID xsd:IDREFS optional
ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the bytestream. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
BETYPE restriction of xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.
DMDID xsd:IDREFS optional
DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file stream represented by the current <stream> element.  For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
OWNERID xsd:string optional
OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.
streamType xsd:string optional
streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.
<xsd:element name="stream" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A component byte stream element <stream> may be composed of one or more subsidiary streams. An MPEG4 file, for example, might contain separate audio and video streams, each of which is associated with technical metadata. The repeatable <stream> element provides a mechanism to record the existence of separate data streams within a particular file, and the opportunity to associate <dmdSec> and <amdSec> with those subsidiary data streams if desired.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="streamType" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ADMID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the bytestream. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="DMDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file stream represented by the current <stream> element. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="BYTE"/>
Schema location
Element fileType / transformFile
The transform file element <transformFile> provides a means to access any subsidiary files listed below a <file> element by indicating the steps required to "unpack" or transform the subsidiary files. This element is repeatable and might provide a link to a <behavior> in the <behaviorSec> that performs the transformation.
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
TRANSFORMALGORITHM xsd:string required
TRANSFORM-ALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.
TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR (string/O): An IDREF to a behavior element for this transformation.
TRANSFORMKEY xsd:string optional
TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.
TRANSFORMORDER xsd:positiveInteger required
TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.
TRANSFORMTYPE restriction of xsd:string required
TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams. The controlled value constraints for this XML string include “decompression” and “decryption”. Decompression is defined as the action of reversing data compression, i.e., the process of encoding information using fewer bits than an unencoded representation would use by means of specific encoding schemas. Decryption is defined as the process of restoring data that has been obscured to make it unreadable without special knowledge (encrypted data) to its original form.
<xsd:element name="transformFile" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The transform file element <transformFile> provides a means to access any subsidiary files listed below a <file> element by indicating the steps required to "unpack" or transform the subsidiary files. This element is repeatable and might provide a link to a <behavior> in the <behaviorSec> that performs the transformation.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMTYPE" use="required">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams. The controlled value constraints for this XML string include “decompression” and “decryption”. Decompression is defined as the action of reversing data compression, i.e., the process of encoding information using fewer bits than an unencoded representation would use by means of specific encoding schemas. Decryption is defined as the process of restoring data that has been obscured to make it unreadable without special knowledge (encrypted data) to its original form.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:enumeration value="decompression"/>
              <xsd:enumeration value="decryption"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMALGORITHM" type="xsd:string" use="required">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORM-ALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMKEY" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR" type="xsd:IDREF" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR (string/O): An IDREF to a behavior element for this transformation.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMORDER" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Element fileType / file
Type fileType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children FContent, FLocat, file, stream, transformFile
  <FLocat xlink:actuate="" xlink:arcrole="" xlink:href="" ID="" LOCTYPE="" OTHERLOCTYPE="" xlink:role="" xlink:show="" xlink:title="" xlink:type="simple" USE="">{0,unbounded}</FLocat>
  <FContent ID="" USE="">{0,1}</FContent>
  <stream ADMID="" BEGIN="" BETYPE="" DMDID="" END="" ID="" OWNERID="" streamType="">{0,unbounded}</stream>
  <file ADMID="" BEGIN="" BETYPE="" CHECKSUM="" CHECKSUMTYPE="" CREATED="" DMDID="" END="" GROUPID="" ID="" MIMETYPE="" OWNERID="" SEQ="" SIZE="" USE="">{0,unbounded}</file>
QName Type Use Annotation
ADMID xsd:IDREFS optional
ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the file. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins.  When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
BETYPE restriction of xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.
CHECKSUM xsd:string optional
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
CHECKSUMTYPE restriction of xsd:string optional
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.  CHECKSUMTYPE must contain one of the following values:
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
DMDID xsd:IDREFS optional
DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file represented by the current <file> element.  For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
GROUPID xsd:string optional
GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.
ID xsd:ID required
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>.  Such references establish links between  structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
MIMETYPE xsd:string optional
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the associated file or wrapped content. Some values for this attribute can be found on the IANA website.
OWNERID xsd:string optional
OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner.  This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.
SEQ xsd:int optional
SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.
SIZE xsd:long optional
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element (e.g., master, reference, thumbnails for image files). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="file" type="fileType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Schema location
Complex Type fileType
fileType: Complex Type for Files
The file element provides access to content files for a METS object.  A file element may contain one or more FLocat elements, which provide pointers to a content file, and/or an FContent element, which wraps an encoded version of the file. Note that ALL FLocat and FContent elements underneath a single file element should identify/contain identical copies of a single file.
Used by
Children FContent, FLocat, file, stream, transformFile
QName Type Use Annotation
ADMID xsd:IDREFS optional
ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the file. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins.  When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
BETYPE restriction of xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.
CHECKSUM xsd:string optional
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
CHECKSUMTYPE restriction of xsd:string optional
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.  CHECKSUMTYPE must contain one of the following values:
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
DMDID xsd:IDREFS optional
DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file represented by the current <file> element.  For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
GROUPID xsd:string optional
GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.
ID xsd:ID required
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>.  Such references establish links between  structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
MIMETYPE xsd:string optional
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the associated file or wrapped content. Some values for this attribute can be found on the IANA website.
OWNERID xsd:string optional
OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner.  This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.
SEQ xsd:int optional
SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.
SIZE xsd:long optional
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element (e.g., master, reference, thumbnails for image files). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="fileType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">fileType: Complex Type for Files The file element provides access to content files for a METS object. A file element may contain one or more FLocat elements, which provide pointers to a content file, and/or an FContent element, which wraps an encoded version of the file. Note that ALL FLocat and FContent elements underneath a single file element should identify/contain identical copies of a single file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="FLocat" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file location element <FLocat> provides a pointer to the location of a content file. It uses the XLink reference syntax to provide linking information indicating the actual location of the content file, along with other attributes specifying additional linking information. NOTE: <FLocat> is an empty element. The location of the resource pointed to MUST be stored in the xlink:href attribute.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="LOCATION"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FLocat> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="xlink:simpleLink"/>
    <xsd:element name="FContent" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file content element <FContent> is used to identify a content file contained internally within a METS document. The content file must be either Base64 encoded and contained within the subsidiary <binData> wrapper element, or consist of XML information and be contained within the subsidiary <xmlData> wrapper element.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="binData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain a Base64 encoded file.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="xmlData" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">An xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain an XML encoded file. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> element is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an xsi:schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="stream" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A component byte stream element <stream> may be composed of one or more subsidiary streams. An MPEG4 file, for example, might contain separate audio and video streams, each of which is associated with technical metadata. The repeatable <stream> element provides a mechanism to record the existence of separate data streams within a particular file, and the opportunity to associate <dmdSec> and <amdSec> with those subsidiary data streams if desired.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType">
            <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="streamType" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="ADMID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the bytestream. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="DMDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file stream represented by the current <stream> element. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                  <xsd:enumeration value="BYTE"/>
    <xsd:element name="transformFile" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The transform file element <transformFile> provides a means to access any subsidiary files listed below a <file> element by indicating the steps required to "unpack" or transform the subsidiary files. This element is repeatable and might provide a link to a <behavior> in the <behaviorSec> that performs the transformation.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType">
            <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMTYPE" use="required">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams. The controlled value constraints for this XML string include “decompression” and “decryption”. Decompression is defined as the action of reversing data compression, i.e., the process of encoding information using fewer bits than an unencoded representation would use by means of specific encoding schemas. Decryption is defined as the process of restoring data that has been obscured to make it unreadable without special knowledge (encrypted data) to its original form.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
                  <xsd:enumeration value="decompression"/>
                  <xsd:enumeration value="decryption"/>
            <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMALGORITHM" type="xsd:string" use="required">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORM-ALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMKEY" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR" type="xsd:IDREF" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR (string/O): An IDREF to a behavior element for this transformation.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMORDER" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="file" type="fileType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="required">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>. Such references establish links between structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="SEQ" type="xsd:int" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="FILECORE"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner. This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="ADMID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the file. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="DMDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file represented by the current <file> element. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="GROUPID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element (e.g., master, reference, thumbnails for image files). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins. When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
        <xsd:enumeration value="BYTE"/>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / FLocat / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/FLocat
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / FLocat / @USE
Namespace No namespace
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file  represented by the <FLocat> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/FLocat
<xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FLocat> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / FContent / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / FContent / @USE
Namespace No namespace
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element (e.g., service master, archive master). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / stream / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / stream / @streamType
Namespace No namespace
streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="streamType" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / stream / @OWNERID
Namespace No namespace
OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / stream / @ADMID
Namespace No namespace
ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the bytestream. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="ADMID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the bytestream. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / stream / @DMDID
Namespace No namespace
DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file stream represented by the current <stream> element.  For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="DMDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file stream represented by the current <stream> element. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / stream / @BEGIN
Namespace No namespace
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / stream / @END
Namespace No namespace
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / stream / @BETYPE
Namespace No namespace
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration BYTE
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="BYTE"/>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @TRANSFORMTYPE
Namespace No namespace
TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams. The controlled value constraints for this XML string include “decompression” and “decryption”. Decompression is defined as the action of reversing data compression, i.e., the process of encoding information using fewer bits than an unencoded representation would use by means of specific encoding schemas. Decryption is defined as the process of restoring data that has been obscured to make it unreadable without special knowledge (encrypted data) to its original form.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use required
enumeration decompression
enumeration decryption
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMTYPE" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams. The controlled value constraints for this XML string include “decompression” and “decryption”. Decompression is defined as the action of reversing data compression, i.e., the process of encoding information using fewer bits than an unencoded representation would use by means of specific encoding schemas. Decryption is defined as the process of restoring data that has been obscured to make it unreadable without special knowledge (encrypted data) to its original form.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="decompression"/>
      <xsd:enumeration value="decryption"/>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @TRANSFORMALGORITHM
Namespace No namespace
TRANSFORM-ALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.
Type xsd:string
use required
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMALGORITHM" type="xsd:string" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORM-ALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @TRANSFORMKEY
Namespace No namespace
TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMKEY" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR
Namespace No namespace
TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR (string/O): An IDREF to a behavior element for this transformation.
Type xsd:IDREF
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR" type="xsd:IDREF" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR (string/O): An IDREF to a behavior element for this transformation.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @TRANSFORMORDER
Namespace No namespace
TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.
Type xsd:positiveInteger
use required
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMORDER" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>.  Such references establish links between  structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
Type xsd:ID
use required
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>. Such references establish links between structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @SEQ
Namespace No namespace
SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.
Type xsd:int
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="SEQ" type="xsd:int" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @OWNERID
Namespace No namespace
OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner.  This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner. This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @ADMID
Namespace No namespace
ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the file. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="ADMID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <techMD>, <sourceMD>, <rightsMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain administrative metadata pertaining to the file. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @DMDID
Namespace No namespace
DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file represented by the current <file> element.  For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="DMDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the content file represented by the current <file> element. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @GROUPID
Namespace No namespace
GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="GROUPID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @USE
Namespace No namespace
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element (e.g., master, reference, thumbnails for image files). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element (e.g., master, reference, thumbnails for image files). A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @BEGIN
Namespace No namespace
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins.  When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins. When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @END
Namespace No namespace
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
Schema location
Attribute fileType / @BETYPE
Namespace No namespace
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.
Type restriction of xsd:string
use optional
enumeration BYTE
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Currently BYTE is the only valid value that can be used in conjunction with nested <file> or <stream> elements.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
      <xsd:enumeration value="BYTE"/>
Schema location