The structural divisions of the hierarchical organization provided by a <structMap> are represented by division <div> elements, which can be nested to any depth. Each <div> element can represent either an intellectual (logical) division or a physical division. Every <div> node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary <mptr> or <fptr> elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document.
ADMID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <rightsMD>, <sourceMD>, <techMD> and/or <digiprovMD> elements within the <amdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to administrative metadata pertaining to the structural division represented by the <div> element. Typically the <div> ADMID attribute would be used to identify the <rightsMD> element or elements that pertain to the <div>, but it could be used anytime there was a need to link a <div> with pertinent administrative metadata. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
DMDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <dmdSec>, elements in the METS document that contain or link to descriptive metadata pertaining to the structural division represented by the current <div> element. For more information on using METS IDREFS and IDREF type attributes for internal linking, see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
TYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the type of structural division that the <div> element represents. Possible <div> TYPE attribute values include: chapter, article, page, track, segment, section etc. METS places no constraints on the possible TYPE values. Suggestions for controlled vocabularies for TYPE may be found on the METS website.
<xsd:element name="div" type="divType"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The structural divisions of the hierarchical organization provided by a <structMap> are represented by division <div> elements, which can be nested to any depth. Each <div> element can represent either an intellectual (logical) division or a physical division. Every <div> node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary <mptr> or <fptr> elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:element>
structMapType: Complex Type for Structural MapsThe structural map (structMap) outlines a hierarchical structure for the original object being encoded, using a series of nested div elements.
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
LABEL (string/O): Describes the <structMap> to viewers of the METS document. This would be useful primarily where more than one <structMap> is provided for a single object. A descriptive LABEL value, in that case, could clarify to users the purpose of each of the available structMaps.
TYPE (string/O): Identifies the type of structure represented by the <structMap>. For example, a <structMap> that represented a purely logical or intellectual structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “logical” whereas a <structMap> that represented a purely physical structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “physical”. However, the METS schema neither defines nor requires a common vocabulary for this attribute. A METS profile, however, may well constrain the values for the <structMap> TYPE.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="structMapType"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">structMapType: Complex Type for Structural Maps The structural map (structMap) outlines a hierarchical structure for the original object being encoded, using a series of nested div elements.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation><xsd:sequence><xsd:element name="div" type="divType"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The structural divisions of the hierarchical organization provided by a <structMap> are represented by division <div> elements, which can be nested to any depth. Each <div> element can represent either an intellectual (logical) division or a physical division. Every <div> node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary <mptr> or <fptr> elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:element></xsd:sequence><xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute><xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): Identifies the type of structure represented by the <structMap>. For example, a <structMap> that represented a purely logical or intellectual structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “logical” whereas a <structMap> that represented a purely physical structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “physical”. However, the METS schema neither defines nor requires a common vocabulary for this attribute. A METS profile, however, may well constrain the values for the <structMap> TYPE.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute><xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): Describes the <structMap> to viewers of the METS document. This would be useful primarily where more than one <structMap> is provided for a single object. A descriptive LABEL value, in that case, could clarify to users the purpose of each of the available structMaps.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute><xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/></xsd:complexType>
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. For more information on using ID attributes for internal and external linking see Chapter 4 of the METS Primer.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute>
TYPE (string/O): Identifies the type of structure represented by the <structMap>. For example, a <structMap> that represented a purely logical or intellectual structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “logical” whereas a <structMap> that represented a purely physical structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “physical”. However, the METS schema neither defines nor requires a common vocabulary for this attribute. A METS profile, however, may well constrain the values for the <structMap> TYPE.
<xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): Identifies the type of structure represented by the <structMap>. For example, a <structMap> that represented a purely logical or intellectual structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “logical” whereas a <structMap> that represented a purely physical structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “physical”. However, the METS schema neither defines nor requires a common vocabulary for this attribute. A METS profile, however, may well constrain the values for the <structMap> TYPE.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute>
LABEL (string/O): Describes the <structMap> to viewers of the METS document. This would be useful primarily where more than one <structMap> is provided for a single object. A descriptive LABEL value, in that case, could clarify to users the purpose of each of the available structMaps.
<xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional"><xsd:annotation><xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): Describes the <structMap> to viewers of the METS document. This would be useful primarily where more than one <structMap> is provided for a single object. A descriptive LABEL value, in that case, could clarify to users the purpose of each of the available structMaps.</xsd:documentation></xsd:annotation></xsd:attribute>