
Used by
Main schema mets.xsd
METS: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard, version 2

      This document is available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication (
      The METS Editorial Board, as creator of this document, has waived all rights to it worldwide under copyright law, including
      all related and neighboring rights, to the extent allowed by law. For the full text see

      Prepared by the METS Editorial Board

      Karin Bredenberg (Sydarkivera, Sweden)
      Bertrand Caron (Bibliothèque nationale de France)
      Aaron Elkiss (HathiTrust / University of Michigan)
      Inge Hofsink (KB National Library of the Netherlands)
      Juha Lehtonen (CSC – IT Center for Science, Finland)
      Andreas Nef (Docuteam GmbH, Baden, Switzerland)
      Tobias Steinke (German National Library)
      Robin Wendler (Harvard University)

      August, 2023
      Version 2.0 beta

      For version 1.x credits, change log, and documentation, see
This schema is a major revision of the METS schema. A white paper describing the new version and the rationale for the differences between the two is available:

      The latest draft of this schema is available at

      METS 2 will live alongside METS 1; METS 1 will continue to be supported and maintained.
Change Log

      2.0 alpha - August 17, 2022

      Initial public draft

      2.0 beta - Nov 15, 2022

      * Add links to recommended schema attributes
      * Remove transformfile references to behaviorSec; transformfile@TRANSFORMBEHAVIOR

      2.0 final - DATE TBD, 2024

      * Edit documentation elements to clarify usage and remove references to the METS 1 Primer
attribute form default unqualified
element form default qualified
Element mets
METS: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard.
METS is intended to provide a standardized XML format for transmission of complex digital objects between systems.  As such, it can be seen as filling a role similar to that defined for the Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP) and Dissemination Information Package (DIP) in the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System. The root element <mets> establishes the container for the information being stored and/or transmitted by the standard.
Type extension of metsType
Type hierarchy
content complex
Children fileSec, mdSec, metsHdr, structSec
<mets ID="" LABEL="" OBJID="" PROFILE="" TYPE="" xmlns="">
  <metsHdr CREATEDATE="" ID="" LASTMODDATE="" MDID="" RECORDSTATUS="">{0,1}</metsHdr>
  <mdSec ID="">{0,1}</mdSec>
  <fileSec ID="">{0,1}</fileSec>
  <structSec ID="">{0,1}</structSec>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): Is a simple title string used to identify the object/entity being described in the METS document for the user.
OBJID xsd:string optional
OBJID (string/O): Is the primary identifier assigned to the METS object as a whole. Although this attribute is not required, it is strongly recommended. This identifier is used to tag the entire METS object to external systems, in contrast with the ID identifier.
PROFILE xsd:string optional
PROFILE (string/O): Indicates the URI of the METS Profile this METS document conforms to.
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): Specifies the class or type of the object.

          Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="mets">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">METS: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard. METS is intended to provide a standardized XML format for transmission of complex digital objects between systems. As such, it can be seen as filling a role similar to that defined for the Submission Information Package (SIP), Archival Information Package (AIP) and Dissemination Information Package (DIP) in the Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System. The root element <mets> establishes the container for the information being stored and/or transmitted by the standard.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="metsType"/>
Element metsType / metsHdr
The mets header element <metsHdr> captures metadata about the METS document itself, not the digital object the METS document encodes.
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children agent, altRecordID, metsDocumentID
  <agent ID="" ROLE="" TYPE="">{0,unbounded}</agent>
  <altRecordID ID="" TYPE="">{0,unbounded}</altRecordID>
  <metsDocumentID ID="" TYPE="">{0,1}</metsDocumentID>
QName Type Use Annotation
CREATEDATE xsd:dateTime optional
CREATEDATE (dateTime/O): Records the date/time the METS document was created.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LASTMODDATE xsd:dateTime optional
LASTMODDATE (dateTime/O): Is used to indicate the date/time the METS document was last modified.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the METS document itself.
RECORDSTATUS xsd:string optional
RECORDSTATUS (string/O): Specifies the status of the METS document. It is used for internal processing purposes.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="metsHdr" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The mets header element <metsHdr> captures metadata about the METS document itself, not the digital object the METS document encodes.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="agent" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">agent: The agent element <agent> provides for various parties and their roles with respect to the METS document to be documented.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The element <name> can be used to record the full name of the METS document agent.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:element name="note" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <note> element can be used to record any additional information regarding the agent's activities with respect to the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
                  <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
                    <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
          <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:attribute name="ROLE" use="required" type="xsd:string">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ROLE (string/R): Specifies the function of the agent with respect to the METS document. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): is used to specify the type of AGENT. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="altRecordID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The alternative record identifier element <altRecordID> allows one to use alternative record identifier values for the digital object represented by the METS document; the primary record identifier is stored in the OBJID attribute in the root <mets> element.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
                  <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
              <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                  <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="metsDocumentID" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The metsDocument identifier element <metsDocumentID> allows a unique identifier to be assigned to the METS document itself. This may be different from the OBJID attribute value in the root <mets> element, which uniquely identifies the entire digital object represented by the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
                  <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
              <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                  <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the METS document itself.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CREATEDATE" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CREATEDATE (dateTime/O): Records the date/time the METS document was created.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="LASTMODDATE" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LASTMODDATE (dateTime/O): Is used to indicate the date/time the METS document was last modified.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="RECORDSTATUS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">RECORDSTATUS (string/O): Specifies the status of the METS document. It is used for internal processing purposes.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Element metsType / metsHdr / agent
The agent element <agent> provides for various parties and their roles with respect to the METS document to be documented.
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children name, note
<agent ID="" ROLE="" TYPE="" xmlns="">
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
ROLE xsd:string required
ROLE (string/R): Specifies the function of the agent with respect to the METS document.
Suggested attribute values:
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): is used to specify the type of AGENT.
Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="agent" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">agent: The agent element <agent> provides for various parties and their roles with respect to the METS document to be documented.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The element <name> can be used to record the full name of the METS document agent.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="note" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <note> element can be used to record any additional information regarding the agent's activities with respect to the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
              <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ROLE" use="required" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ROLE (string/R): Specifies the function of the agent with respect to the METS document. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): is used to specify the type of AGENT. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Element metsType / metsHdr / agent / name
The element <name> can be used to record the full name of the METS document agent.
Type xsd:string
content simple
<xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The element <name> can be used to record the full name of the METS document agent.</xsd:documentation>
Element metsType / metsHdr / agent / note
The <note> element can be used to record any additional information regarding the agent's activities with respect to the METS document.
Type extension of xsd:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="note" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <note> element can be used to record any additional information regarding the agent's activities with respect to the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
        <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Element metsType / metsHdr / altRecordID
The alternative record identifier element <altRecordID> allows one to use alternative record identifier values for the digital object represented by the METS document; the primary record identifier is stored in the OBJID attribute in the root <mets> element.
Type extension of xsd:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type.
Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="altRecordID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The alternative record identifier element <altRecordID> allows one to use alternative record identifier values for the digital object represented by the METS document; the primary record identifier is stored in the OBJID attribute in the root <mets> element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Element metsType / metsHdr / metsDocumentID
The metsDocument identifier element <metsDocumentID> allows a unique identifier to be assigned to the METS document itself.  This may be different from the OBJID attribute value in the root <mets> element, which uniquely identifies the entire digital object represented by the METS document.
Type extension of xsd:string
content complex
minOccurs 0
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type.

                        Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="metsDocumentID" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The metsDocument identifier element <metsDocumentID> allows a unique identifier to be assigned to the METS document itself. This may be different from the OBJID attribute value in the root <mets> element, which uniquely identifies the entire digital object represented by the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Element metsType / mdSec
The metadata section <mdSec> contains the metadata pertaining to the digital object, its components and any original source material from which the digital object is derived. The <mdSec> is separated into sub-sections that accommodate any kind of metadata such as descriptive, technical, intellectual property rights, analog/digital source metadata, and digital provenance metadata. Each of these subsections can either wrap the metadata  (mdWrap) or reference it in an external location (mdRef) or both. Multiple instances of the <mdSec> element can occur within a METS document and multiple instances of its subsections can occur in one <mdSec> element. This allows considerable flexibility in the structuring of the metadata. METS does not define a vocabulary or syntax for encoding metadata. Metadata can be expressed within the mdSec sub-elements according to many current community defined standards or locally produced XML schemas.
Type mdSecType
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children md, mdGrp
<mdSec ID="" xmlns="">
  <mdGrp ID="" STATUS="" USE="">{1,unbounded}</mdGrp>
  <md CREATED="" GROUPID="" ID="" MDID="" STATUS="" USE="">{1,unbounded}</md>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="mdSec" type="mdSecType" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The metadata section <mdSec> contains the metadata pertaining to the digital object, its components and any original source material from which the digital object is derived. The <mdSec> is separated into sub-sections that accommodate any kind of metadata such as descriptive, technical, intellectual property rights, analog/digital source metadata, and digital provenance metadata. Each of these subsections can either wrap the metadata (mdWrap) or reference it in an external location (mdRef) or both. Multiple instances of the <mdSec> element can occur within a METS document and multiple instances of its subsections can occur in one <mdSec> element. This allows considerable flexibility in the structuring of the metadata. METS does not define a vocabulary or syntax for encoding metadata. Metadata can be expressed within the mdSec sub-elements according to many current community defined standards or locally produced XML schemas.</xsd:documentation>
Element mdSecType / mdGrp
The <mdGrp> element allows grouping related kinds of metadata. This could be all metadata of a particular type, all metadata coming from a particular source, all metadata pertaining to a certain file or set of files, or any other relevant grouping.
content complex
maxOccurs unbounded
Children md
<mdGrp ID="" STATUS="" USE="" xmlns="">
  <md CREATED="" GROUPID="" ID="" MDID="" STATUS="" USE="">{1,unbounded}</md>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
STATUS xsd:string optional
STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata
Suggested attribute values:
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): Specifies the purpose of the metadata contained in this group.

              Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="mdGrp" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation>The <mdGrp> element allows grouping related kinds of metadata. This could be all metadata of a particular type, all metadata coming from a particular source, all metadata pertaining to a certain file or set of files, or any other relevant grouping.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="md" type="mdType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A <md> element records any kind of metadata about the METS object or a component thereof. The <md> element can either wrap the metadata (mdWrap), reference it in an external location (<mdRef>), or both. METS allows multiple <md> elements; and metadata can be associated with any METS element that supports an MDID attribute. Metadata can be expressed according to many current technical description standards or a locally produced XML schema.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation>ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): Specifies the purpose of the metadata contained in this group. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="STATUS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Element mdSecType / mdGrp / md
A <md> element records any kind of metadata about the METS object or a component thereof. The <md> element can either wrap the metadata (mdWrap), reference it in an external location (<mdRef>), or both. METS allows multiple <md> elements; and metadata can be associated with any METS element that supports an MDID attribute. Metadata can be expressed according to many current technical description standards or a locally produced XML schema.
Type mdType
content complex
maxOccurs unbounded
Children mdRef, mdWrap
<md CREATED="" GROUPID="" ID="" MDID="" STATUS="" USE="" xmlns="">
QName Type Use Annotation
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the metadata.
GROUPID xsd:string optional
GROUPID (string/O): This identifier is used to indicate that different metadata sections may be considered as part of a group. Two metadata sections with the same GROUPID value are to be considered part of the same group. For example this facility might be used to group changed versions of the same metadata if previous versions are maintained in a file for tracking purposes.
ID xsd:ID required
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. The ID attribute on the <md> element is required, and its value should be referenced from one or more MDID attributes that are associated with other elements in the METS document. The following elements support references to a <md> element via a MDID attribute: <file>, <fileGrp> <stream>, <div>, <metsHdr>, <md>.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the current <md> element. Typically used in this context to reference preservation metadata (use="DIGIPROV") which applies to the current metadata.
STATUS xsd:string optional
STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata
Suggested attribute values:
USE xsd:string optional
USE: Specifies the purpose of metadata in this section.
Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="md" type="mdType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A <md> element records any kind of metadata about the METS object or a component thereof. The <md> element can either wrap the metadata (mdWrap), reference it in an external location (<mdRef>), or both. METS allows multiple <md> elements; and metadata can be associated with any METS element that supports an MDID attribute. Metadata can be expressed according to many current technical description standards or a locally produced XML schema.</xsd:documentation>
Element mdType / mdRef
The metadata reference element <mdRef> element is a generic element used throughout the METS schema to provide a pointer to metadata which resides outside the METS document.  NB: <mdRef> is an empty element.
content complex
minOccurs 0
QName Type Use Annotation
CHECKSUM xsd:string optional
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
CHECKSUMTYPE xsd:string optional
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): Provides a label to display to the viewer of the METS document that identifies the associated metadata.
LOCREF xsd:string required
LOCREF (string/R): Specifies the location for resources. This may be a directly-resolvable URL (preferred for interoperability), or it may require the use of an external resolver or be system-specific. The LOCTYPE attribute identifies the type of location.
LOCTYPE xsd:string required
LOCTYPE (string/R): Specifies the locator type used in the LOCREF attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
MDTYPE xsd:string required
MDTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of the associated metadata.
Suggested attribute values:
MDTYPEVERSION xsd:string optional
MDTYPEVERSION(string/O): Provides a means for recording the version of the type of metadata (as recorded in the MDTYPE attribute) that is being used.  This may represent the version of the underlying data dictionary or metadata model rather than a schema version.
MIMETYPE xsd:string optional
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content.

        Registered media/MIME types:
SIZE xsd:long optional
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
<xsd:element name="mdRef" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The metadata reference element <mdRef> element is a generic element used throughout the METS schema to provide a pointer to metadata which resides outside the METS document. NB: <mdRef> is an empty element.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="LOCATION"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="METADATA"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="FILECORE"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): Provides a label to display to the viewer of the METS document that identifies the associated metadata.</xsd:documentation>
Element mdType / mdWrap
A metadata wrapper element <mdWrap> provides a wrapper around metadata embedded within a METS document. The element is repeatable. Such metadata can be in one of two forms: 1) XML-encoded metadata, with the XML-encoding identifying itself as belonging to a namespace other than the METS document namespace. 2) Any arbitrary binary or textual form, PROVIDED that the metadata is Base64 encoded and wrapped in a <binData> element within the internal metadata element.
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children binData, xmlData
QName Type Use Annotation
CHECKSUM xsd:string optional
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
CHECKSUMTYPE xsd:string optional
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a label to display to the viewer of the METS document identifying the metadata.
MDTYPE xsd:string required
MDTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of the associated metadata.
Suggested attribute values:
MDTYPEVERSION xsd:string optional
MDTYPEVERSION(string/O): Provides a means for recording the version of the type of metadata (as recorded in the MDTYPE attribute) that is being used.  This may represent the version of the underlying data dictionary or metadata model rather than a schema version.
MIMETYPE xsd:string optional
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content.

        Registered media/MIME types:
SIZE xsd:long optional
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
<xsd:element name="mdWrap" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A metadata wrapper element <mdWrap> provides a wrapper around metadata embedded within a METS document. The element is repeatable. Such metadata can be in one of two forms: 1) XML-encoded metadata, with the XML-encoding identifying itself as belonging to a namespace other than the METS document namespace. 2) Any arbitrary binary or textual form, PROVIDED that the metadata is Base64 encoded and wrapped in a <binData> element within the internal metadata element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="binData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain Base64 encoded metadata.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="xmlData" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain XML encoded metadata. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an XML schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="METADATA"/>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="FILECORE"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a label to display to the viewer of the METS document identifying the metadata.</xsd:documentation>
Element mdType / mdWrap / binData
The binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain Base64 encoded metadata.
Type xsd:base64Binary
content simple
minOccurs 0
<xsd:element name="binData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain Base64 encoded metadata.</xsd:documentation>
Element mdType / mdWrap / xmlData
The xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain XML encoded metadata. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an XML schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.
content complex
minOccurs 0
ANY element from ANY namespace
<xsd:element name="xmlData" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain XML encoded metadata. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an XML schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
Element mdSecType / md
A <md> element records any kind of metadata about the METS object or a component thereof. The <md> element can either wrap the metadata (mdWrap), reference it in an external location (<mdRef>), or both. METS allows multiple <md> elements; and metadata can be associated with any METS element that supports an MDID attribute. Metadata can be expressed according to many current technical description standards or a locally produced XML schema.
Type mdType
content complex
maxOccurs unbounded
Children mdRef, mdWrap
<md CREATED="" GROUPID="" ID="" MDID="" STATUS="" USE="" xmlns="">
QName Type Use Annotation
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the metadata.
GROUPID xsd:string optional
GROUPID (string/O): This identifier is used to indicate that different metadata sections may be considered as part of a group. Two metadata sections with the same GROUPID value are to be considered part of the same group. For example this facility might be used to group changed versions of the same metadata if previous versions are maintained in a file for tracking purposes.
ID xsd:ID required
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. The ID attribute on the <md> element is required, and its value should be referenced from one or more MDID attributes that are associated with other elements in the METS document. The following elements support references to a <md> element via a MDID attribute: <file>, <fileGrp> <stream>, <div>, <metsHdr>, <md>.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the current <md> element. Typically used in this context to reference preservation metadata (use="DIGIPROV") which applies to the current metadata.
STATUS xsd:string optional
STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata
Suggested attribute values:
USE xsd:string optional
USE: Specifies the purpose of metadata in this section.
Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="md" type="mdType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A <md> element records any kind of metadata about the METS object or a component thereof. The <md> element can either wrap the metadata (mdWrap), reference it in an external location (<mdRef>), or both. METS allows multiple <md> elements; and metadata can be associated with any METS element that supports an MDID attribute. Metadata can be expressed according to many current technical description standards or a locally produced XML schema.</xsd:documentation>
Element metsType / fileSec
The overall purpose of the content file section element <fileSec> is to provide an inventory of and the location for the content files that comprise the digital object being described in the METS document.
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children file, fileGrp
<fileSec ID="" xmlns="">
  <fileGrp ID="" MDID="" USE="" VERSDATE="">{1,unbounded}</fileGrp>
  <file BEGIN="" BETYPE="" CHECKSUM="" CHECKSUMTYPE="" CREATED="" END="" GROUPID="" ID="" MDID="" MIMETYPE="" OWNERID="" SEQ="" SIZE="" USE="">{1,unbounded}</file>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="fileSec" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The overall purpose of the content file section element <fileSec> is to provide an inventory of and the location for the content files that comprise the digital object being described in the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="fileGrp" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A sequence of file group elements <fileGrp> can be used to group the digital files comprising the content of a METS object. In the case where the content files are images of different formats and resolutions, for example, one could group the image content files by format and create a separate <fileGrp> for each image format/resolution such as: -- one <fileGrp> for the thumbnails of the images -- one <fileGrp> for the higher resolution JPEGs of the image -- one <fileGrp> for the master archival TIFFs of the images A <fileGrp> may contain zero or more <file> elements.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:extension base="fileGrpType"/>
      <xsd:element name="file" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="fileType">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file element <file> provides access to the content files for the digital object being described by the METS document. A <file> element may contain one or more <FLocat> elements which provide pointers to a content file and/or a <FContent> element which wraps an encoded version of the file. Embedding files using <FContent> can be a valuable feature for exchanging digital objects between repositories or for archiving versions of digital objects for off-site storage. All <FLocat> and <FContent> elements should identify and/or contain identical copies of a single file. The <file> element is recursive, thus allowing sub-files or component files of a larger file to be listed in the inventory. Alternatively, by using the <stream> element, a smaller component of a file or of a related file can be placed within a <file> element. Finally, by using the <transformFile> element, it is possible to include within a <file> element a different version of a file that has undergone a transformation for some reason, such as format migration.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Element metsType / fileSec / fileGrp
A sequence of file group elements <fileGrp> can be used to group the digital files comprising the content of a METS object. In the case where the content files are images of different formats and resolutions, for example, one could group the image content files by format and create a separate <fileGrp> for each image format/resolution such as:
-- one <fileGrp> for the thumbnails of the images
-- one <fileGrp> for the higher resolution JPEGs of the image
-- one <fileGrp> for the master archival TIFFs of the images
A <fileGrp> may contain zero or more <file> elements.
Type extension of fileGrpType
Type hierarchy
content complex
maxOccurs unbounded
Children file
<fileGrp ID="" MDID="" USE="" VERSDATE="" xmlns="">
  <file BEGIN="" BETYPE="" CHECKSUM="" CHECKSUMTYPE="" CREATED="" END="" GROUPID="" ID="" MDID="" MIMETYPE="" OWNERID="" SEQ="" SIZE="" USE="">{1,unbounded}</file>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREF/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document applicable to all of the files in a particular file group.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of files within this file group. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
VERSDATE xsd:dateTime optional
VERSDATE (dateTime/O): An optional dateTime attribute specifying the date this version/fileGrp of the digital object was created.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="fileGrp" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A sequence of file group elements <fileGrp> can be used to group the digital files comprising the content of a METS object. In the case where the content files are images of different formats and resolutions, for example, one could group the image content files by format and create a separate <fileGrp> for each image format/resolution such as: -- one <fileGrp> for the thumbnails of the images -- one <fileGrp> for the higher resolution JPEGs of the image -- one <fileGrp> for the master archival TIFFs of the images A <fileGrp> may contain zero or more <file> elements.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:extension base="fileGrpType"/>
Element fileGrpType / file
The file element <file> provides access to the content files for the digital object being described by the METS document. A <file> element may contain one or more <FLocat> elements which provide pointers to a content file and/or a <FContent> element which wraps an encoded version of the file. Embedding files using <FContent> can be a valuable feature for exchanging digital objects between repositories or for archiving versions of digital objects for off-site storage. All <FLocat> and <FContent> elements should identify and/or contain identical copies of a single file. The <file> element is recursive, thus allowing sub-files or component files of a larger file to be listed in the inventory. Alternatively, by using the <stream> element, a smaller component of a file or of a related file can be placed within a <file> element. Finally, by using the <transformFile> element, it is possible to include within a <file> element a different version of a file that has undergone a transformation for some reason, such as format migration.
Type fileType
content complex
maxOccurs unbounded
Children FContent, FLocat, file, stream, transformFile
  <FLocat ID="" LOCREF="" LOCTYPE="" USE="">{0,unbounded}</FLocat>
  <FContent ID="" USE="">{0,1}</FContent>
  <stream BEGIN="" BETYPE="" END="" ID="" MDID="" OWNERID="" streamType="">{0,unbounded}</stream>
  <transformFile ID="" TRANSFORMALGORITHM="" TRANSFORMKEY="" TRANSFORMORDER="" TRANSFORMTYPE="">{0,unbounded}</transformFile>
  <file BEGIN="" BETYPE="" CHECKSUM="" CHECKSUMTYPE="" CREATED="" END="" GROUPID="" ID="" MDID="" MIMETYPE="" OWNERID="" SEQ="" SIZE="" USE="">{0,unbounded}</file>
QName Type Use Annotation
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins.  When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
BETYPE xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used.
     Suggested attribute values:
CHECKSUM xsd:string optional
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
CHECKSUMTYPE xsd:string optional
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
GROUPID xsd:string optional
GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.
ID xsd:ID required
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>.  Such references establish links between  structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the file.
MIMETYPE xsd:string optional
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content.

        Registered media/MIME types:
OWNERID xsd:string optional
OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner.  This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.
SEQ xsd:int optional
SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.
SIZE xsd:long optional
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="file" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="fileType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file element <file> provides access to the content files for the digital object being described by the METS document. A <file> element may contain one or more <FLocat> elements which provide pointers to a content file and/or a <FContent> element which wraps an encoded version of the file. Embedding files using <FContent> can be a valuable feature for exchanging digital objects between repositories or for archiving versions of digital objects for off-site storage. All <FLocat> and <FContent> elements should identify and/or contain identical copies of a single file. The <file> element is recursive, thus allowing sub-files or component files of a larger file to be listed in the inventory. Alternatively, by using the <stream> element, a smaller component of a file or of a related file can be placed within a <file> element. Finally, by using the <transformFile> element, it is possible to include within a <file> element a different version of a file that has undergone a transformation for some reason, such as format migration.</xsd:documentation>
Element fileType / FLocat
The file location element <FLocat> provides a pointer to the location of a content file. NOTE: <FLocat> is an empty element.
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LOCREF xsd:string required
LOCREF (string/R): Specifies the location for resources. This may be a directly-resolvable URL (preferred for interoperability), or it may require the use of an external resolver or be system-specific. The LOCTYPE attribute identifies the type of location.
LOCTYPE xsd:string required
LOCTYPE (string/R): Specifies the locator type used in the LOCREF attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file  represented by the <FLocat> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="FLocat" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file location element <FLocat> provides a pointer to the location of a content file. NOTE: <FLocat> is an empty element.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FLocat> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="LOCATION"/>
Element fileType / FContent
The file content element <FContent> is used to identify a content file contained internally within a METS document. The content file must be either Base64 encoded and contained within the subsidiary <binData> wrapper element, or consist of XML information and be contained within the subsidiary <xmlData> wrapper element.
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children binData, xmlData
<FContent ID="" USE="" xmlns="">
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).
             Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="FContent" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file content element <FContent> is used to identify a content file contained internally within a METS document. The content file must be either Base64 encoded and contained within the subsidiary <binData> wrapper element, or consist of XML information and be contained within the subsidiary <xmlData> wrapper element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="binData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain a Base64 encoded file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="xmlData" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">An xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain an XML encoded file. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> element is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an xsi:schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Element fileType / FContent / binData
A binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain a Base64 encoded file.
Type xsd:base64Binary
content simple
minOccurs 0
<xsd:element name="binData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain a Base64 encoded file.</xsd:documentation>
Element fileType / FContent / xmlData
An xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain  an XML encoded file. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> element is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an xsi:schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.
content complex
minOccurs 0
ANY element from ANY namespace
<xsd:element name="xmlData" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">An xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain an XML encoded file. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> element is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an xsi:schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
Element fileType / stream
A component byte stream element <stream> may be composed of one or more subsidiary streams. An MPEG4 file, for example, might contain separate audio and video streams, each of which is associated with technical metadata. The repeatable <stream> element provides a mechanism to record the existence of separate data streams within a particular file, and the opportunity to <mdSec> elements with those subsidiary data streams if desired.
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use Annotation
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
BETYPE xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
                    BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used.

                    Suggested attribute values:
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the bytestream.
OWNERID xsd:string optional
OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.
streamType xsd:string optional
streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.
<xsd:element name="stream" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A component byte stream element <stream> may be composed of one or more subsidiary streams. An MPEG4 file, for example, might contain separate audio and video streams, each of which is associated with technical metadata. The repeatable <stream> element provides a mechanism to record the existence of separate data streams within a particular file, and the opportunity to <mdSec> elements with those subsidiary data streams if desired.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="streamType" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the bytestream.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Element fileType / transformFile
The transform file element <transformFile> provides a means to access any subsidiary files listed below a <file> element by indicating the steps required to "unpack" or transform the subsidiary files. This element is repeatable.
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
TRANSFORMALGORITHM xsd:string required
TRANSFORMALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.
TRANSFORMKEY xsd:string optional
TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.
TRANSFORMORDER xsd:positiveInteger required
TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.
TRANSFORMTYPE xsd:string required
TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams.

                  Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="transformFile" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The transform file element <transformFile> provides a means to access any subsidiary files listed below a <file> element by indicating the steps required to "unpack" or transform the subsidiary files. This element is repeatable.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType">
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMTYPE" use="required" type="xsd:string">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMALGORITHM" type="xsd:string" use="required">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMKEY" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMORDER" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.</xsd:documentation>
Element fileType / file
Type fileType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children FContent, FLocat, file, stream, transformFile
  <FLocat ID="" LOCREF="" LOCTYPE="" USE="">{0,unbounded}</FLocat>
  <FContent ID="" USE="">{0,1}</FContent>
  <stream BEGIN="" BETYPE="" END="" ID="" MDID="" OWNERID="" streamType="">{0,unbounded}</stream>
  <transformFile ID="" TRANSFORMALGORITHM="" TRANSFORMKEY="" TRANSFORMORDER="" TRANSFORMTYPE="">{0,unbounded}</transformFile>
  <file BEGIN="" BETYPE="" CHECKSUM="" CHECKSUMTYPE="" CREATED="" END="" GROUPID="" ID="" MDID="" MIMETYPE="" OWNERID="" SEQ="" SIZE="" USE="">{0,unbounded}</file>
QName Type Use Annotation
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins.  When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
BETYPE xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used.
     Suggested attribute values:
CHECKSUM xsd:string optional
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
CHECKSUMTYPE xsd:string optional
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
GROUPID xsd:string optional
GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.
ID xsd:ID required
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>.  Such references establish links between  structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the file.
MIMETYPE xsd:string optional
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content.

        Registered media/MIME types:
OWNERID xsd:string optional
OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner.  This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.
SEQ xsd:int optional
SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.
SIZE xsd:long optional
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="file" type="fileType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Element metsType / fileSec / file
The file element <file> provides access to the content files for the digital object being described by the METS document. A <file> element may contain one or more <FLocat> elements which provide pointers to a content file and/or a <FContent> element which wraps an encoded version of the file. Embedding files using <FContent> can be a valuable feature for exchanging digital objects between repositories or for archiving versions of digital objects for off-site storage. All <FLocat> and <FContent> elements should identify and/or contain identical copies of a single file. The <file> element is recursive, thus allowing sub-files or component files of a larger file to be listed in the inventory. Alternatively, by using the <stream> element, a smaller component of a file or of a related file can be placed within a <file> element. Finally, by using the <transformFile> element, it is possible to include within a <file> element a different version of a file that has undergone a transformation for some reason, such as format migration.
Type fileType
content complex
maxOccurs unbounded
Children FContent, FLocat, file, stream, transformFile
  <FLocat ID="" LOCREF="" LOCTYPE="" USE="">{0,unbounded}</FLocat>
  <FContent ID="" USE="">{0,1}</FContent>
  <stream BEGIN="" BETYPE="" END="" ID="" MDID="" OWNERID="" streamType="">{0,unbounded}</stream>
  <transformFile ID="" TRANSFORMALGORITHM="" TRANSFORMKEY="" TRANSFORMORDER="" TRANSFORMTYPE="">{0,unbounded}</transformFile>
  <file BEGIN="" BETYPE="" CHECKSUM="" CHECKSUMTYPE="" CREATED="" END="" GROUPID="" ID="" MDID="" MIMETYPE="" OWNERID="" SEQ="" SIZE="" USE="">{0,unbounded}</file>
QName Type Use Annotation
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins.  When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
BETYPE xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used.
     Suggested attribute values:
CHECKSUM xsd:string optional
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
CHECKSUMTYPE xsd:string optional
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
GROUPID xsd:string optional
GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.
ID xsd:ID required
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>.  Such references establish links between  structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the file.
MIMETYPE xsd:string optional
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content.

        Registered media/MIME types:
OWNERID xsd:string optional
OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner.  This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.
SEQ xsd:int optional
SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.
SIZE xsd:long optional
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="file" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="fileType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file element <file> provides access to the content files for the digital object being described by the METS document. A <file> element may contain one or more <FLocat> elements which provide pointers to a content file and/or a <FContent> element which wraps an encoded version of the file. Embedding files using <FContent> can be a valuable feature for exchanging digital objects between repositories or for archiving versions of digital objects for off-site storage. All <FLocat> and <FContent> elements should identify and/or contain identical copies of a single file. The <file> element is recursive, thus allowing sub-files or component files of a larger file to be listed in the inventory. Alternatively, by using the <stream> element, a smaller component of a file or of a related file can be placed within a <file> element. Finally, by using the <transformFile> element, it is possible to include within a <file> element a different version of a file that has undergone a transformation for some reason, such as format migration.</xsd:documentation>
Element metsType / structSec
The <structSec> section contains the <structMap> elements that provide hierarchical organizations of the components of the digital object described by the METS document.
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children structMap
<structSec ID="" xmlns="">
  <structMap ID="" LABEL="" TYPE="">{1,unbounded}</structMap>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
<xsd:element name="structSec" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <structSec> section contains the <structMap> elements that provide hierarchical organizations of the components of the digital object described by the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="structMap" type="structMapType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The structural map section <structMap> provides a means for organizing the digital content represented by the <file> elements in the <fileSec> of the METS document into a coherent hierarchical structure. Such a hierarchical structure can be presented to users to facilitate their comprehension and navigation of the digital content. It can further be applied to any purpose requiring an understanding of the structural relationship of the content files or parts of the content files. The organization may be specified to any level of granularity (intellectual and or physical) that is desired. Since the <structMap> element is repeatable, more than one organization can be applied to the digital content represented by the METS document. The hierarchical structure specified by a <structMap> is encoded as a tree of nested <div> elements. A <div> element may directly point to content via child file pointer <fptr> elements (if the content is represented in the <fileSec<) or child METS pointer <mptr> elements (if the content is represented by an external METS document). The <fptr> element may point to a single whole <file> element that manifests its parent <div<, or to part of a <file> that manifests its <div<. It can also point to multiple files or parts of files that must be played/displayed either in sequence or in parallel to reveal its structural division. In addition to providing a means for organizing content, the <structMap> provides a mechanism for linking content at any hierarchical level with relevant metadata.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Element metsType / structSec / structMap
The structural map section <structMap> provides a means for organizing the digital content represented by the <file> elements in the <fileSec> of the METS document into a coherent hierarchical structure. Such a hierarchical structure can be presented to users to facilitate their comprehension and navigation of the digital content. It can further be applied to any purpose requiring an understanding of the structural relationship of the content files or parts of the content files. The organization may be specified to any level of granularity (intellectual and or physical) that is desired. Since the <structMap> element is repeatable, more than one organization can be applied to the digital content represented by the METS document.  The hierarchical structure specified by a <structMap> is encoded as a tree of nested <div> elements. A <div> element may directly point to content via child file pointer <fptr> elements (if the content is represented in the <fileSec<) or child METS pointer <mptr> elements (if the content is represented by an external METS document). The <fptr> element may point to a single whole <file> element that manifests its parent <div<, or to part of a <file> that manifests its <div<. It can also point to multiple files or parts of files that must be played/displayed either in sequence or in parallel to reveal its structural division. In addition to providing a means for organizing content, the <structMap> provides a mechanism for linking content at any hierarchical level with relevant metadata.
Type structMapType
content complex
maxOccurs unbounded
Children div
<structMap ID="" LABEL="" TYPE="" xmlns="">
  <div CONTENTIDS="" ID="" LABEL="" MDID="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="" TYPE="">{1,1}</div>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): Describes the <structMap> to viewers of the METS document. This would be useful primarily where more than one <structMap> is provided for a single object. A descriptive LABEL value, in that case, could clarify to users the purpose of each of the available structMaps.
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): Identifies the type of structure represented by the <structMap>. For example, a <structMap> that represented a purely logical or intellectual structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “logical” whereas a <structMap> that represented a purely physical structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “physical”. However, the METS schema neither defines nor requires a common vocabulary for this attribute. A METS profile, however, may well constrain the values for the <structMap> TYPE.

        Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="structMap" type="structMapType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The structural map section <structMap> provides a means for organizing the digital content represented by the <file> elements in the <fileSec> of the METS document into a coherent hierarchical structure. Such a hierarchical structure can be presented to users to facilitate their comprehension and navigation of the digital content. It can further be applied to any purpose requiring an understanding of the structural relationship of the content files or parts of the content files. The organization may be specified to any level of granularity (intellectual and or physical) that is desired. Since the <structMap> element is repeatable, more than one organization can be applied to the digital content represented by the METS document. The hierarchical structure specified by a <structMap> is encoded as a tree of nested <div> elements. A <div> element may directly point to content via child file pointer <fptr> elements (if the content is represented in the <fileSec<) or child METS pointer <mptr> elements (if the content is represented by an external METS document). The <fptr> element may point to a single whole <file> element that manifests its parent <div<, or to part of a <file> that manifests its <div<. It can also point to multiple files or parts of files that must be played/displayed either in sequence or in parallel to reveal its structural division. In addition to providing a means for organizing content, the <structMap> provides a mechanism for linking content at any hierarchical level with relevant metadata.</xsd:documentation>
Element structMapType / div
The structural divisions of the hierarchical organization provided by a <structMap> are represented by division <div> elements, which can be nested to any depth. Each <div> element can represent either an intellectual (logical) division or a physical division. Every <div> node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary <mptr> or <fptr> elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document.
Type divType
content complex
Children div, fptr, mptr
<div CONTENTIDS="" ID="" LABEL="" MDID="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="" TYPE="" xmlns="">
  <mptr CONTENTIDS="" ID="" LOCREF="" LOCTYPE="">{0,unbounded}</mptr>
  <fptr CONTENTIDS="" FILEID="" ID="">{0,unbounded}</fptr>
  <div CONTENTIDS="" ID="" LABEL="" MDID="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="" TYPE="">{0,unbounded}</div>
QName Type Use Annotation
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <div> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the structural division represented by the <div> element.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the type of structural division that the <div> element represents.

          Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="div" type="divType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The structural divisions of the hierarchical organization provided by a <structMap> are represented by division <div> elements, which can be nested to any depth. Each <div> element can represent either an intellectual (logical) division or a physical division. Every <div> node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary <mptr> or <fptr> elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document.</xsd:documentation>
Element divType / mptr
Like the <fptr> element, the METS pointer element <mptr> represents digital content that manifests its parent <div> element. Unlike the <fptr>, which either directly or indirectly points to content represented in the <fileSec> of the parent METS document, the <mptr> element points to content represented by an external METS document. Thus, this element allows multiple discrete and separate METS documents to be organized at a higher level by a separate METS document. For example, METS documents representing the individual issues in the series of a journal could be grouped together and organized by a higher level METS document that represents the entire journal series. Each of the <div> elements in the <structMap> of the METS document representing the journal series would point to a METS document representing an issue.  It would do so via a child <mptr> element. Thus the <mptr> element gives METS users considerable flexibility in managing the depth of the <structMap> hierarchy of individual METS documents. The <mptr> element points to an external METS document.
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
QName Type Use Annotation
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <mptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LOCREF xsd:string required
LOCREF (string/R): Specifies the location for resources. This may be a directly-resolvable URL (preferred for interoperability), or it may require the use of an external resolver or be system-specific. The LOCTYPE attribute identifies the type of location.
LOCTYPE xsd:string required
LOCTYPE (string/R): Specifies the locator type used in the LOCREF attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="mptr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">Like the <fptr> element, the METS pointer element <mptr> represents digital content that manifests its parent <div> element. Unlike the <fptr>, which either directly or indirectly points to content represented in the <fileSec> of the parent METS document, the <mptr> element points to content represented by an external METS document. Thus, this element allows multiple discrete and separate METS documents to be organized at a higher level by a separate METS document. For example, METS documents representing the individual issues in the series of a journal could be grouped together and organized by a higher level METS document that represents the entire journal series. Each of the <div> elements in the <structMap> of the METS document representing the journal series would point to a METS document representing an issue. It would do so via a child <mptr> element. Thus the <mptr> element gives METS users considerable flexibility in managing the depth of the <structMap> hierarchy of individual METS documents. The <mptr> element points to an external METS document.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attributeGroup ref="LOCATION"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <mptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
Element divType / fptr
The <fptr> or file pointer element represents digital content that manifests its parent <div> element. The content represented by an <fptr> element must consist of integral files or parts of files that are represented by <file> elements in the <fileSec>. Via its FILEID attribute,  an <fptr> may point directly to a single integral <file> element that manifests a structural division. However, an <fptr> element may also govern an <area> element,  a <par>, or  a <seq>  which in turn would point to the relevant file or files. A child <area> element can point to part of a <file> that manifests a division, while the <par> and <seq> elements can point to multiple files or parts of files that together manifest a division. More than one <fptr> element can be associated with a <div> element. Typically sibling <fptr> elements represent alternative versions, or manifestations, of the same content
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children area, par, seq
<fptr CONTENTIDS="" FILEID="" ID="" xmlns="">
  <par ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="">{0,1}</par>
  <seq ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="">{0,1}</seq>
QName Type Use Annotation
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <fptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
FILEID xsd:IDREF optional
FILEID (IDREF/O): An optional attribute that provides the XML ID identifying the <file> element that links to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <fptr>. A <fptr> element should only have a FILEID attribute value if it does not have a child <area>, <par> or <seq> element. If it has a child element, then the responsibility for pointing to the relevant content falls to this child element or its descendants.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="fptr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <fptr> or file pointer element represents digital content that manifests its parent <div> element. The content represented by an <fptr> element must consist of integral files or parts of files that are represented by <file> elements in the <fileSec>. Via its FILEID attribute, an <fptr> may point directly to a single integral <file> element that manifests a structural division. However, an <fptr> element may also govern an <area> element, a <par>, or a <seq> which in turn would point to the relevant file or files. A child <area> element can point to part of a <file> that manifests a division, while the <par> and <seq> elements can point to multiple files or parts of files that together manifest a division. More than one <fptr> element can be associated with a <div> element. Typically sibling <fptr> elements represent alternative versions, or manifestations, of the same content</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="par" type="parType" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <par> or parallel files element aggregates pointers to files, parts of files, and/or sequences of files or parts of files that must be played or displayed simultaneously to manifest a block of digital content represented by an <fptr> element. This might be the case, for example, with multi-media content, where a still image might have an accompanying audio track that comments on the still image. In this case, a <par> element would aggregate two <area> elements, one of which pointed to the image file and one of which pointed to the audio file that must be played in conjunction with the image. The <area> element associated with the image could be further qualified with SHAPE and COORDS attributes if only a portion of the image file was pertinent and the <area> element associated with the audio file could be further qualified with BETYPE, BEGIN, EXTTYPE, and EXTENT attributes if only a portion of the associated audio file should be played in conjunction with the image.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="seq" type="seqType" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The sequence of files element <seq> aggregates pointers to files, parts of files and/or parallel sets of files or parts of files that must be played or displayed sequentially to manifest a block of digital content. This might be the case, for example, if the parent <div> element represented a logical division, such as a diary entry, that spanned multiple pages of a diary and, hence, multiple page image files. In this case, a <seq> element would aggregate multiple, sequentially arranged <area> elements, each of which pointed to one of the image files that must be presented sequentially to manifest the entire diary entry. If the diary entry started in the middle of a page, then the first <area> element (representing the page on which the diary entry starts) might be further qualified, via its SHAPE and COORDS attributes, to specify the specific, pertinent area of the associated image file.</xsd:documentation>
      <xsd:element name="area" type="areaType" minOccurs="0">
          <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The area element <area> typically points to content consisting of just a portion or area of a file represented by a <file> element in the <fileSec>. In some contexts, however, the <area> element can also point to content represented by an integral file. A single <area> element would appear as the direct child of a <fptr> element when only a portion of a <file>, rather than an integral <file>, manifested the digital content represented by the <fptr>. Multiple <area> elements would appear as the direct children of a <par> element or a <seq> element when multiple files or parts of files manifested the digital content represented by an <fptr> element. When used in the context of a <par> or <seq> element an <area> element can point either to an integral file or to a segment of a file as necessary.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="FILEID" type="xsd:IDREF" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">FILEID (IDREF/O): An optional attribute that provides the XML ID identifying the <file> element that links to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <fptr>. A <fptr> element should only have a FILEID attribute value if it does not have a child <area>, <par> or <seq> element. If it has a child element, then the responsibility for pointing to the relevant content falls to this child element or its descendants.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <fptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Element divType / fptr / par
The <par> or parallel files element aggregates pointers to files, parts of files, and/or sequences of files or parts of files that must be played or displayed simultaneously to manifest a block of digital content represented by an <fptr> element. This might be the case, for example, with multi-media content, where a still image might have an accompanying audio track that comments on the still image. In this case, a <par> element would aggregate two <area> elements, one of which pointed to the image file and one of which pointed to the audio file that must be played in conjunction with the image. The <area> element associated with the image could be further qualified with SHAPE and COORDS attributes if only a portion of the image file was pertinent and the <area> element associated with the audio file could be further qualified with BETYPE, BEGIN, EXTTYPE, and EXTENT attributes if only a portion of the associated audio file should be played in conjunction with the image.
Type parType
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children area, seq
<par ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="" xmlns="">
  <seq ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="">{0,1}</seq>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="par" type="parType" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <par> or parallel files element aggregates pointers to files, parts of files, and/or sequences of files or parts of files that must be played or displayed simultaneously to manifest a block of digital content represented by an <fptr> element. This might be the case, for example, with multi-media content, where a still image might have an accompanying audio track that comments on the still image. In this case, a <par> element would aggregate two <area> elements, one of which pointed to the image file and one of which pointed to the audio file that must be played in conjunction with the image. The <area> element associated with the image could be further qualified with SHAPE and COORDS attributes if only a portion of the image file was pertinent and the <area> element associated with the audio file could be further qualified with BETYPE, BEGIN, EXTTYPE, and EXTENT attributes if only a portion of the associated audio file should be played in conjunction with the image.</xsd:documentation>
Element parType / area
Type areaType
content complex
minOccurs 0
QName Type Use Annotation
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content begins. It can be used in conjunction with either the END attribute or the EXTENT attribute as a means of defining the relevant portion of the referenced file precisely. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE or EXTTYPE, which specify the kind of beginning/ending point values or beginning/extent values that are being used. The BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END or EXTENT element. In this case, the end of the content file is assumed to be the end point.
BETYPE xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
					BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. For example, if BYTE is specified, then the BEGIN and END point values represent the byte offsets into a file. If IDREF is specified, then the BEGIN element specifies the ID value that identifies the element in a structured text file where the relevant section of the file begins; and the END value (if present) would specify the ID value that identifies the element with which the relevant section of the file ends.

        Suggested attribute values:
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <area> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
COORDS xsd:string optional
COORDS (string/O): Specifies the coordinates in an image map for the shape of the pertinent area as specified in the SHAPE attribute. While technically optional, SHAPE and COORDS must both appear together to define the relevant area of image content. COORDS should be used in conjunction with SHAPE in the manner defined for the COORDs and SHAPE attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. COORDS must be a comma delimited string of integer value pairs representing coordinates (plus radius in the case of CIRCLE) within an image. Number of coordinates pairs depends on shape: RECT: x1, y1, x2, y2; CIRC: x1, y1; POLY: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 . . .
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element.
EXTENT xsd:string optional
EXTENT (string/O): An attribute that specifies the extent of the relevant section of the content file. Can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the EXTTYPE which specifies the kind of value that is being used. Typically the EXTENT attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element and would not be used if the BEGIN point represents an IDREF.
EXTTYPE xsd:string optional
EXTTYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of EXTENT values that are being used. For example if BYTE is specified then EXTENT would represent a byte count. If TIME is specified the EXTENT would represent a duration of time.

        Suggested attribute values:
FILEID xsd:IDREF required
FILEID (IDREF/R): An attribute which provides the XML ID value that identifies the <file> element in the <fileSec> that then points to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <area> element. It must contain an ID value represented in an ID attribute associated with a <file> element in the <fileSec> element in the same METS document.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the content represented by the <area> element.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
SHAPE xsd:string optional
SHAPE (string/O): An attribute that can be used as in HTML to define the shape of the relevant area within the content file pointed to by the <area> element. Typically this would be used with image content (still image or video frame) when only a portion of an image pertains. If SHAPE is specified then COORDS must also be present. SHAPE should be used in conjunction with COORDS in the manner defined for the shape and coords attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. Recommended attribute values are those allowed by HTML5; see also
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="area" type="areaType" minOccurs="0"/>
Element parType / seq
Type seqType
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children area, par
<seq ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="" xmlns="">
  <par ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="">{0,1}</par>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="seq" type="seqType" minOccurs="0"/>
Element seqType / area
Type areaType
content complex
minOccurs 0
QName Type Use Annotation
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content begins. It can be used in conjunction with either the END attribute or the EXTENT attribute as a means of defining the relevant portion of the referenced file precisely. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE or EXTTYPE, which specify the kind of beginning/ending point values or beginning/extent values that are being used. The BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END or EXTENT element. In this case, the end of the content file is assumed to be the end point.
BETYPE xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
					BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. For example, if BYTE is specified, then the BEGIN and END point values represent the byte offsets into a file. If IDREF is specified, then the BEGIN element specifies the ID value that identifies the element in a structured text file where the relevant section of the file begins; and the END value (if present) would specify the ID value that identifies the element with which the relevant section of the file ends.

        Suggested attribute values:
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <area> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
COORDS xsd:string optional
COORDS (string/O): Specifies the coordinates in an image map for the shape of the pertinent area as specified in the SHAPE attribute. While technically optional, SHAPE and COORDS must both appear together to define the relevant area of image content. COORDS should be used in conjunction with SHAPE in the manner defined for the COORDs and SHAPE attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. COORDS must be a comma delimited string of integer value pairs representing coordinates (plus radius in the case of CIRCLE) within an image. Number of coordinates pairs depends on shape: RECT: x1, y1, x2, y2; CIRC: x1, y1; POLY: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 . . .
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element.
EXTENT xsd:string optional
EXTENT (string/O): An attribute that specifies the extent of the relevant section of the content file. Can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the EXTTYPE which specifies the kind of value that is being used. Typically the EXTENT attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element and would not be used if the BEGIN point represents an IDREF.
EXTTYPE xsd:string optional
EXTTYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of EXTENT values that are being used. For example if BYTE is specified then EXTENT would represent a byte count. If TIME is specified the EXTENT would represent a duration of time.

        Suggested attribute values:
FILEID xsd:IDREF required
FILEID (IDREF/R): An attribute which provides the XML ID value that identifies the <file> element in the <fileSec> that then points to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <area> element. It must contain an ID value represented in an ID attribute associated with a <file> element in the <fileSec> element in the same METS document.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the content represented by the <area> element.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
SHAPE xsd:string optional
SHAPE (string/O): An attribute that can be used as in HTML to define the shape of the relevant area within the content file pointed to by the <area> element. Typically this would be used with image content (still image or video frame) when only a portion of an image pertains. If SHAPE is specified then COORDS must also be present. SHAPE should be used in conjunction with COORDS in the manner defined for the shape and coords attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. Recommended attribute values are those allowed by HTML5; see also
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="area" type="areaType" minOccurs="0"/>
Element seqType / par
Type parType
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children area, seq
<par ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="" xmlns="">
  <seq ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="">{0,1}</seq>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="par" type="parType" minOccurs="0"/>
Element divType / fptr / seq
The sequence of files element <seq> aggregates pointers to files,  parts of files and/or parallel sets of files or parts of files  that must be played or displayed sequentially to manifest a block of digital content. This might be the case, for example, if the parent <div> element represented a logical division, such as a diary entry, that spanned multiple pages of a diary and, hence, multiple page image files. In this case, a <seq> element would aggregate multiple, sequentially arranged <area> elements, each of which pointed to one of the image files that must be presented sequentially to manifest the entire diary entry. If the diary entry started in the middle of a page, then the first <area> element (representing the page on which the diary entry starts) might be further qualified, via its SHAPE and COORDS attributes, to specify the specific, pertinent area of the associated image file.
Type seqType
content complex
minOccurs 0
Children area, par
<seq ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="" xmlns="">
  <par ID="" LABEL="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="">{0,1}</par>
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="seq" type="seqType" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The sequence of files element <seq> aggregates pointers to files, parts of files and/or parallel sets of files or parts of files that must be played or displayed sequentially to manifest a block of digital content. This might be the case, for example, if the parent <div> element represented a logical division, such as a diary entry, that spanned multiple pages of a diary and, hence, multiple page image files. In this case, a <seq> element would aggregate multiple, sequentially arranged <area> elements, each of which pointed to one of the image files that must be presented sequentially to manifest the entire diary entry. If the diary entry started in the middle of a page, then the first <area> element (representing the page on which the diary entry starts) might be further qualified, via its SHAPE and COORDS attributes, to specify the specific, pertinent area of the associated image file.</xsd:documentation>
Element divType / fptr / area
The area element <area> typically points to content consisting of just a portion or area of a file represented by a <file> element in the <fileSec>. In some contexts, however, the <area> element can also point to content represented by an integral file. A single <area> element would appear as the direct child of a <fptr> element when only a portion of a <file>, rather than an integral <file>, manifested the digital content represented by the <fptr>. Multiple <area> elements would appear as the direct children of a <par> element or a <seq> element when multiple files or parts of files manifested the digital content represented by an <fptr> element. When used in the context of a <par> or <seq> element an <area> element can point either to an integral file or to a segment of a file as necessary.
Type areaType
content complex
minOccurs 0
QName Type Use Annotation
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content begins. It can be used in conjunction with either the END attribute or the EXTENT attribute as a means of defining the relevant portion of the referenced file precisely. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE or EXTTYPE, which specify the kind of beginning/ending point values or beginning/extent values that are being used. The BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END or EXTENT element. In this case, the end of the content file is assumed to be the end point.
BETYPE xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
					BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. For example, if BYTE is specified, then the BEGIN and END point values represent the byte offsets into a file. If IDREF is specified, then the BEGIN element specifies the ID value that identifies the element in a structured text file where the relevant section of the file begins; and the END value (if present) would specify the ID value that identifies the element with which the relevant section of the file ends.

        Suggested attribute values:
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <area> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
COORDS xsd:string optional
COORDS (string/O): Specifies the coordinates in an image map for the shape of the pertinent area as specified in the SHAPE attribute. While technically optional, SHAPE and COORDS must both appear together to define the relevant area of image content. COORDS should be used in conjunction with SHAPE in the manner defined for the COORDs and SHAPE attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. COORDS must be a comma delimited string of integer value pairs representing coordinates (plus radius in the case of CIRCLE) within an image. Number of coordinates pairs depends on shape: RECT: x1, y1, x2, y2; CIRC: x1, y1; POLY: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 . . .
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element.
EXTENT xsd:string optional
EXTENT (string/O): An attribute that specifies the extent of the relevant section of the content file. Can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the EXTTYPE which specifies the kind of value that is being used. Typically the EXTENT attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element and would not be used if the BEGIN point represents an IDREF.
EXTTYPE xsd:string optional
EXTTYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of EXTENT values that are being used. For example if BYTE is specified then EXTENT would represent a byte count. If TIME is specified the EXTENT would represent a duration of time.

        Suggested attribute values:
FILEID xsd:IDREF required
FILEID (IDREF/R): An attribute which provides the XML ID value that identifies the <file> element in the <fileSec> that then points to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <area> element. It must contain an ID value represented in an ID attribute associated with a <file> element in the <fileSec> element in the same METS document.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the content represented by the <area> element.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
SHAPE xsd:string optional
SHAPE (string/O): An attribute that can be used as in HTML to define the shape of the relevant area within the content file pointed to by the <area> element. Typically this would be used with image content (still image or video frame) when only a portion of an image pertains. If SHAPE is specified then COORDS must also be present. SHAPE should be used in conjunction with COORDS in the manner defined for the shape and coords attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. Recommended attribute values are those allowed by HTML5; see also
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:element name="area" type="areaType" minOccurs="0">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The area element <area> typically points to content consisting of just a portion or area of a file represented by a <file> element in the <fileSec>. In some contexts, however, the <area> element can also point to content represented by an integral file. A single <area> element would appear as the direct child of a <fptr> element when only a portion of a <file>, rather than an integral <file>, manifested the digital content represented by the <fptr>. Multiple <area> elements would appear as the direct children of a <par> element or a <seq> element when multiple files or parts of files manifested the digital content represented by an <fptr> element. When used in the context of a <par> or <seq> element an <area> element can point either to an integral file or to a segment of a file as necessary.</xsd:documentation>
Element divType / div
Type divType
content complex
minOccurs 0
maxOccurs unbounded
Children div, fptr, mptr
<div CONTENTIDS="" ID="" LABEL="" MDID="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="" TYPE="" xmlns="">
  <mptr CONTENTIDS="" ID="" LOCREF="" LOCTYPE="">{0,unbounded}</mptr>
  <fptr CONTENTIDS="" FILEID="" ID="">{0,unbounded}</fptr>
  <div CONTENTIDS="" ID="" LABEL="" MDID="" ORDER="" ORDERLABEL="" TYPE="">{0,unbounded}</div>
QName Type Use Annotation
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <div> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the structural division represented by the <div> element.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the type of structural division that the <div> element represents.

          Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:element name="div" type="divType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
Complex Type metsType
metsType: Complex Type for METS Sections
A METS document consists of four possible subsidiary sections: metsHdr (METS document header), mdSec (metadata section), fileSec (file section) and structMap (structural map)
Used by
Element mets
Children fileSec, mdSec, metsHdr, structSec
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): Is a simple title string used to identify the object/entity being described in the METS document for the user.
OBJID xsd:string optional
OBJID (string/O): Is the primary identifier assigned to the METS object as a whole. Although this attribute is not required, it is strongly recommended. This identifier is used to tag the entire METS object to external systems, in contrast with the ID identifier.
PROFILE xsd:string optional
PROFILE (string/O): Indicates the URI of the METS Profile this METS document conforms to.
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): Specifies the class or type of the object.

          Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="metsType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">metsType: Complex Type for METS Sections A METS document consists of four possible subsidiary sections: metsHdr (METS document header), mdSec (metadata section), fileSec (file section) and structMap (structural map)</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="metsHdr" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The mets header element <metsHdr> captures metadata about the METS document itself, not the digital object the METS document encodes.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="agent" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">agent: The agent element <agent> provides for various parties and their roles with respect to the METS document to be documented.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string">
                    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The element <name> can be used to record the full name of the METS document agent.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:element name="note" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
                    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <note> element can be used to record any additional information regarding the agent's activities with respect to the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
                      <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
                        <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
              <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
                  <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
              <xsd:attribute name="ROLE" use="required" type="xsd:string">
                  <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ROLE (string/R): Specifies the function of the agent with respect to the METS document. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
              <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
                  <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): is used to specify the type of AGENT. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="altRecordID" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The alternative record identifier element <altRecordID> allows one to use alternative record identifier values for the digital object represented by the METS document; the primary record identifier is stored in the OBJID attribute in the root <mets> element.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
                  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
                      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
                  <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="metsDocumentID" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The metsDocument identifier element <metsDocumentID> allows a unique identifier to be assigned to the METS document itself. This may be different from the OBJID attribute value in the root <mets> element, which uniquely identifies the entire digital object represented by the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
                  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
                      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
                  <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the METS document itself.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="CREATEDATE" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CREATEDATE (dateTime/O): Records the date/time the METS document was created.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="LASTMODDATE" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LASTMODDATE (dateTime/O): Is used to indicate the date/time the METS document was last modified.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="RECORDSTATUS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">RECORDSTATUS (string/O): Specifies the status of the METS document. It is used for internal processing purposes.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <xsd:element name="mdSec" type="mdSecType" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The metadata section <mdSec> contains the metadata pertaining to the digital object, its components and any original source material from which the digital object is derived. The <mdSec> is separated into sub-sections that accommodate any kind of metadata such as descriptive, technical, intellectual property rights, analog/digital source metadata, and digital provenance metadata. Each of these subsections can either wrap the metadata (mdWrap) or reference it in an external location (mdRef) or both. Multiple instances of the <mdSec> element can occur within a METS document and multiple instances of its subsections can occur in one <mdSec> element. This allows considerable flexibility in the structuring of the metadata. METS does not define a vocabulary or syntax for encoding metadata. Metadata can be expressed within the mdSec sub-elements according to many current community defined standards or locally produced XML schemas.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="fileSec" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The overall purpose of the content file section element <fileSec> is to provide an inventory of and the location for the content files that comprise the digital object being described in the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="fileGrp" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A sequence of file group elements <fileGrp> can be used to group the digital files comprising the content of a METS object. In the case where the content files are images of different formats and resolutions, for example, one could group the image content files by format and create a separate <fileGrp> for each image format/resolution such as: -- one <fileGrp> for the thumbnails of the images -- one <fileGrp> for the higher resolution JPEGs of the image -- one <fileGrp> for the master archival TIFFs of the images A <fileGrp> may contain zero or more <file> elements.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:extension base="fileGrpType"/>
          <xsd:element name="file" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="fileType">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file element <file> provides access to the content files for the digital object being described by the METS document. A <file> element may contain one or more <FLocat> elements which provide pointers to a content file and/or a <FContent> element which wraps an encoded version of the file. Embedding files using <FContent> can be a valuable feature for exchanging digital objects between repositories or for archiving versions of digital objects for off-site storage. All <FLocat> and <FContent> elements should identify and/or contain identical copies of a single file. The <file> element is recursive, thus allowing sub-files or component files of a larger file to be listed in the inventory. Alternatively, by using the <stream> element, a smaller component of a file or of a related file can be placed within a <file> element. Finally, by using the <transformFile> element, it is possible to include within a <file> element a different version of a file that has undergone a transformation for some reason, such as format migration.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <xsd:element name="structSec" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <structSec> section contains the <structMap> elements that provide hierarchical organizations of the components of the digital object described by the METS document.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="structMap" type="structMapType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The structural map section <structMap> provides a means for organizing the digital content represented by the <file> elements in the <fileSec> of the METS document into a coherent hierarchical structure. Such a hierarchical structure can be presented to users to facilitate their comprehension and navigation of the digital content. It can further be applied to any purpose requiring an understanding of the structural relationship of the content files or parts of the content files. The organization may be specified to any level of granularity (intellectual and or physical) that is desired. Since the <structMap> element is repeatable, more than one organization can be applied to the digital content represented by the METS document. The hierarchical structure specified by a <structMap> is encoded as a tree of nested <div> elements. A <div> element may directly point to content via child file pointer <fptr> elements (if the content is represented in the <fileSec<) or child METS pointer <mptr> elements (if the content is represented by an external METS document). The <fptr> element may point to a single whole <file> element that manifests its parent <div<, or to part of a <file> that manifests its <div<. It can also point to multiple files or parts of files that must be played/displayed either in sequence or in parallel to reveal its structural division. In addition to providing a means for organizing content, the <structMap> provides a mechanism for linking content at any hierarchical level with relevant metadata.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="OBJID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OBJID (string/O): Is the primary identifier assigned to the METS object as a whole. Although this attribute is not required, it is strongly recommended. This identifier is used to tag the entire METS object to external systems, in contrast with the ID identifier.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): Is a simple title string used to identify the object/entity being described in the METS document for the user.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): Specifies the class or type of the object. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="PROFILE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">PROFILE (string/O): Indicates the URI of the METS Profile this METS document conforms to.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type mdSecType
mdSecType: Complex Type for Metadata Sections
The metadata section consists of elements that can contain any kind of metdata, included but not limited to technical metadata technical metadata for text/image/audio/video files, intellectual property rights metadata, analog/digital source metadata, and digital provenance metadata, that is, the history of migrations/translations performed on a digital library object from it's original digital capture/encoding.
Used by
Element metsType/mdSec
Children md, mdGrp
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="mdSecType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">mdSecType: Complex Type for Metadata Sections The metadata section consists of elements that can contain any kind of metdata, included but not limited to technical metadata technical metadata for text/image/audio/video files, intellectual property rights metadata, analog/digital source metadata, and digital provenance metadata, that is, the history of migrations/translations performed on a digital library object from it's original digital capture/encoding.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="mdGrp" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation>The <mdGrp> element allows grouping related kinds of metadata. This could be all metadata of a particular type, all metadata coming from a particular source, all metadata pertaining to a certain file or set of files, or any other relevant grouping.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="md" type="mdType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A <md> element records any kind of metadata about the METS object or a component thereof. The <md> element can either wrap the metadata (mdWrap), reference it in an external location (<mdRef>), or both. METS allows multiple <md> elements; and metadata can be associated with any METS element that supports an MDID attribute. Metadata can be expressed according to many current technical description standards or a locally produced XML schema.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation>ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): Specifies the purpose of the metadata contained in this group. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="STATUS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="md" type="mdType" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A <md> element records any kind of metadata about the METS object or a component thereof. The <md> element can either wrap the metadata (mdWrap), reference it in an external location (<mdRef>), or both. METS allows multiple <md> elements; and metadata can be associated with any METS element that supports an MDID attribute. Metadata can be expressed according to many current technical description standards or a locally produced XML schema.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type mdType
mdType: Complex Type for Metadata Sections
A generic framework for pointing to/including metadata within a METS document.
Used by
Children mdRef, mdWrap
QName Type Use Annotation
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the metadata.
GROUPID xsd:string optional
GROUPID (string/O): This identifier is used to indicate that different metadata sections may be considered as part of a group. Two metadata sections with the same GROUPID value are to be considered part of the same group. For example this facility might be used to group changed versions of the same metadata if previous versions are maintained in a file for tracking purposes.
ID xsd:ID required
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. The ID attribute on the <md> element is required, and its value should be referenced from one or more MDID attributes that are associated with other elements in the METS document. The following elements support references to a <md> element via a MDID attribute: <file>, <fileGrp> <stream>, <div>, <metsHdr>, <md>.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the current <md> element. Typically used in this context to reference preservation metadata (use="DIGIPROV") which applies to the current metadata.
STATUS xsd:string optional
STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata
Suggested attribute values:
USE xsd:string optional
USE: Specifies the purpose of metadata in this section.
Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="mdType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">mdType: Complex Type for Metadata Sections A generic framework for pointing to/including metadata within a METS document.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="mdRef" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The metadata reference element <mdRef> element is a generic element used throughout the METS schema to provide a pointer to metadata which resides outside the METS document. NB: <mdRef> is an empty element.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="LOCATION"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="METADATA"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="FILECORE"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): Provides a label to display to the viewer of the METS document that identifies the associated metadata.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="mdWrap" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A metadata wrapper element <mdWrap> provides a wrapper around metadata embedded within a METS document. The element is repeatable. Such metadata can be in one of two forms: 1) XML-encoded metadata, with the XML-encoding identifying itself as belonging to a namespace other than the METS document namespace. 2) Any arbitrary binary or textual form, PROVIDED that the metadata is Base64 encoded and wrapped in a <binData> element within the internal metadata element.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="binData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain Base64 encoded metadata.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="xmlData" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain XML encoded metadata. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an XML schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="METADATA"/>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="FILECORE"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a label to display to the viewer of the METS document identifying the metadata.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="required">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. The ID attribute on the <md> element is required, and its value should be referenced from one or more MDID attributes that are associated with other elements in the METS document. The following elements support references to a <md> element via a MDID attribute: <file>, <fileGrp> <stream>, <div>, <metsHdr>, <md>.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE: Specifies the purpose of metadata in this section. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="GROUPID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">GROUPID (string/O): This identifier is used to indicate that different metadata sections may be considered as part of a group. Two metadata sections with the same GROUPID value are to be considered part of the same group. For example this facility might be used to group changed versions of the same metadata if previous versions are maintained in a file for tracking purposes.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the current <md> element. Typically used in this context to reference preservation metadata (use="DIGIPROV") which applies to the current metadata.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="CREATED" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the metadata.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="STATUS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type fileGrpType
fileGrpType: Complex Type for File Groups
The file group is used to cluster all of the digital files composing a digital library object. Any file group may contain zero or more file elements.  File elements in turn can contain one or more FLocat elements (a pointer to a file containing content for this object) and/or a FContent element (the contents of the file, in either XML or  Base64 encoding).
Used by
Children file
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREF/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document applicable to all of the files in a particular file group.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of files within this file group. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
VERSDATE xsd:dateTime optional
VERSDATE (dateTime/O): An optional dateTime attribute specifying the date this version/fileGrp of the digital object was created.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="fileGrpType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">fileGrpType: Complex Type for File Groups The file group is used to cluster all of the digital files composing a digital library object. Any file group may contain zero or more file elements. File elements in turn can contain one or more FLocat elements (a pointer to a file containing content for this object) and/or a FContent element (the contents of the file, in either XML or Base64 encoding).</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="file" maxOccurs="unbounded" type="fileType">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file element <file> provides access to the content files for the digital object being described by the METS document. A <file> element may contain one or more <FLocat> elements which provide pointers to a content file and/or a <FContent> element which wraps an encoded version of the file. Embedding files using <FContent> can be a valuable feature for exchanging digital objects between repositories or for archiving versions of digital objects for off-site storage. All <FLocat> and <FContent> elements should identify and/or contain identical copies of a single file. The <file> element is recursive, thus allowing sub-files or component files of a larger file to be listed in the inventory. Alternatively, by using the <stream> element, a smaller component of a file or of a related file can be placed within a <file> element. Finally, by using the <transformFile> element, it is possible to include within a <file> element a different version of a file that has undergone a transformation for some reason, such as format migration.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="VERSDATE" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">VERSDATE (dateTime/O): An optional dateTime attribute specifying the date this version/fileGrp of the digital object was created.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREF/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document applicable to all of the files in a particular file group.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of files within this file group. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type fileType
fileType: Complex Type for Files
The file element provides access to content files for a METS object.  A file element may contain one or more FLocat elements, which provide pointers to a content file, and/or an FContent element, which wraps an encoded version of the file. Note that ALL FLocat and FContent elements underneath a single file element should identify/contain identical copies of a single file.
Used by
Children FContent, FLocat, file, stream, transformFile
QName Type Use Annotation
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins.  When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
BETYPE xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used.
     Suggested attribute values:
CHECKSUM xsd:string optional
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
CHECKSUMTYPE xsd:string optional
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
GROUPID xsd:string optional
GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.
ID xsd:ID required
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>.  Such references establish links between  structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the file.
MIMETYPE xsd:string optional
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content.

        Registered media/MIME types:
OWNERID xsd:string optional
OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner.  This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.
SEQ xsd:int optional
SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.
SIZE xsd:long optional
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
USE xsd:string optional
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="fileType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">fileType: Complex Type for Files The file element provides access to content files for a METS object. A file element may contain one or more FLocat elements, which provide pointers to a content file, and/or an FContent element, which wraps an encoded version of the file. Note that ALL FLocat and FContent elements underneath a single file element should identify/contain identical copies of a single file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="FLocat" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file location element <FLocat> provides a pointer to the location of a content file. NOTE: <FLocat> is an empty element.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FLocat> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="LOCATION"/>
    <xsd:element name="FContent" minOccurs="0">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The file content element <FContent> is used to identify a content file contained internally within a METS document. The content file must be either Base64 encoded and contained within the subsidiary <binData> wrapper element, or consist of XML information and be contained within the subsidiary <xmlData> wrapper element.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="binData" type="xsd:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A binary data wrapper element <binData> is used to contain a Base64 encoded file.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="xmlData" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">An xml data wrapper element <xmlData> is used to contain an XML encoded file. The content of an <xmlData> element can be in any namespace or in no namespace. As permitted by the XML Schema Standard, the processContents attribute value for the metadata in an <xmlData> element is set to “lax”. Therefore, if the source schema and its location are identified by means of an xsi:schemaLocation attribute, then an XML processor will validate the elements for which it can find declarations. If a source schema is not identified, or cannot be found at the specified schemaLocation, then an XML validator will check for well-formedness, but otherwise skip over the elements appearing in the <xmlData> element.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" processContents="lax"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="stream" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">A component byte stream element <stream> may be composed of one or more subsidiary streams. An MPEG4 file, for example, might contain separate audio and video streams, each of which is associated with technical metadata. The repeatable <stream> element provides a mechanism to record the existence of separate data streams within a particular file, and the opportunity to <mdSec> elements with those subsidiary data streams if desired.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType">
            <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="streamType" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the bytestream.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="transformFile" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The transform file element <transformFile> provides a means to access any subsidiary files listed below a <file> element by indicating the steps required to "unpack" or transform the subsidiary files. This element is repeatable.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType">
            <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMTYPE" use="required" type="xsd:string">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMALGORITHM" type="xsd:string" use="required">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMKEY" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.</xsd:documentation>
            <xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMORDER" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required">
                <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="file" type="fileType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="required">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>. Such references establish links between structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="SEQ" type="xsd:int" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="FILECORE"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner. This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the file.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="GROUPID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins. When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type structMapType
structMapType: Complex Type for Structural Maps
The structural map (structMap) outlines a hierarchical structure for the original object being encoded, using a series of nested div elements.
Used by
Children div
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): Describes the <structMap> to viewers of the METS document. This would be useful primarily where more than one <structMap> is provided for a single object. A descriptive LABEL value, in that case, could clarify to users the purpose of each of the available structMaps.
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): Identifies the type of structure represented by the <structMap>. For example, a <structMap> that represented a purely logical or intellectual structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “logical” whereas a <structMap> that represented a purely physical structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “physical”. However, the METS schema neither defines nor requires a common vocabulary for this attribute. A METS profile, however, may well constrain the values for the <structMap> TYPE.

        Suggested attribute values:
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="structMapType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">structMapType: Complex Type for Structural Maps The structural map (structMap) outlines a hierarchical structure for the original object being encoded, using a series of nested div elements.</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="div" type="divType">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The structural divisions of the hierarchical organization provided by a <structMap> are represented by division <div> elements, which can be nested to any depth. Each <div> element can represent either an intellectual (logical) division or a physical division. Every <div> node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary <mptr> or <fptr> elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): Identifies the type of structure represented by the <structMap>. For example, a <structMap> that represented a purely logical or intellectual structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “logical” whereas a <structMap> that represented a purely physical structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “physical”. However, the METS schema neither defines nor requires a common vocabulary for this attribute. A METS profile, however, may well constrain the values for the <structMap> TYPE. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): Describes the <structMap> to viewers of the METS document. This would be useful primarily where more than one <structMap> is provided for a single object. A descriptive LABEL value, in that case, could clarify to users the purpose of each of the available structMaps.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type divType
divType: Complex Type for Divisions
					The METS standard represents a document structurally as a series of nested div elements, that is, as a hierarchy (e.g., a book, which is composed of chapters, which are composed of subchapters, which are composed of text).  Every div node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary mptr or fptr elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document.

to clarify the differences between the ORDER, ORDERLABEL, and LABEL attributes for the <div> element, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of "3", an ORDERLABEL of "iii" and a LABEL of "Page iii", while page 3 would have an ORDER of "13", an ORDERLABEL of "3" and a LABEL of "Page 3".
Used by
Children div, fptr, mptr
QName Type Use Annotation
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <div> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the structural division represented by the <div> element.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
TYPE xsd:string optional
TYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the type of structural division that the <div> element represents.

          Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:complexType name="divType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">divType: Complex Type for Divisions The METS standard represents a document structurally as a series of nested div elements, that is, as a hierarchy (e.g., a book, which is composed of chapters, which are composed of subchapters, which are composed of text). Every div node in the structural map hierarchy may be connected (via subsidiary mptr or fptr elements) to content files which represent that div's portion of the whole document. SPECIAL NOTE REGARDING DIV ATTRIBUTE VALUES: to clarify the differences between the ORDER, ORDERLABEL, and LABEL attributes for the <div> element, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of "3", an ORDERLABEL of "iii" and a LABEL of "Page iii", while page 3 would have an ORDER of "13", an ORDERLABEL of "3" and a LABEL of "Page 3".</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="mptr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">Like the <fptr> element, the METS pointer element <mptr> represents digital content that manifests its parent <div> element. Unlike the <fptr>, which either directly or indirectly points to content represented in the <fileSec> of the parent METS document, the <mptr> element points to content represented by an external METS document. Thus, this element allows multiple discrete and separate METS documents to be organized at a higher level by a separate METS document. For example, METS documents representing the individual issues in the series of a journal could be grouped together and organized by a higher level METS document that represents the entire journal series. Each of the <div> elements in the <structMap> of the METS document representing the journal series would point to a METS document representing an issue. It would do so via a child <mptr> element. Thus the <mptr> element gives METS users considerable flexibility in managing the depth of the <structMap> hierarchy of individual METS documents. The <mptr> element points to an external METS document.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attributeGroup ref="LOCATION"/>
        <xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <mptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
    <xsd:element name="fptr" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
        <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <fptr> or file pointer element represents digital content that manifests its parent <div> element. The content represented by an <fptr> element must consist of integral files or parts of files that are represented by <file> elements in the <fileSec>. Via its FILEID attribute, an <fptr> may point directly to a single integral <file> element that manifests a structural division. However, an <fptr> element may also govern an <area> element, a <par>, or a <seq> which in turn would point to the relevant file or files. A child <area> element can point to part of a <file> that manifests a division, while the <par> and <seq> elements can point to multiple files or parts of files that together manifest a division. More than one <fptr> element can be associated with a <div> element. Typically sibling <fptr> elements represent alternative versions, or manifestations, of the same content</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="par" type="parType" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The <par> or parallel files element aggregates pointers to files, parts of files, and/or sequences of files or parts of files that must be played or displayed simultaneously to manifest a block of digital content represented by an <fptr> element. This might be the case, for example, with multi-media content, where a still image might have an accompanying audio track that comments on the still image. In this case, a <par> element would aggregate two <area> elements, one of which pointed to the image file and one of which pointed to the audio file that must be played in conjunction with the image. The <area> element associated with the image could be further qualified with SHAPE and COORDS attributes if only a portion of the image file was pertinent and the <area> element associated with the audio file could be further qualified with BETYPE, BEGIN, EXTTYPE, and EXTENT attributes if only a portion of the associated audio file should be played in conjunction with the image.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="seq" type="seqType" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The sequence of files element <seq> aggregates pointers to files, parts of files and/or parallel sets of files or parts of files that must be played or displayed sequentially to manifest a block of digital content. This might be the case, for example, if the parent <div> element represented a logical division, such as a diary entry, that spanned multiple pages of a diary and, hence, multiple page image files. In this case, a <seq> element would aggregate multiple, sequentially arranged <area> elements, each of which pointed to one of the image files that must be presented sequentially to manifest the entire diary entry. If the diary entry started in the middle of a page, then the first <area> element (representing the page on which the diary entry starts) might be further qualified, via its SHAPE and COORDS attributes, to specify the specific, pertinent area of the associated image file.</xsd:documentation>
          <xsd:element name="area" type="areaType" minOccurs="0">
              <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">The area element <area> typically points to content consisting of just a portion or area of a file represented by a <file> element in the <fileSec>. In some contexts, however, the <area> element can also point to content represented by an integral file. A single <area> element would appear as the direct child of a <fptr> element when only a portion of a <file>, rather than an integral <file>, manifested the digital content represented by the <fptr>. Multiple <area> elements would appear as the direct children of a <par> element or a <seq> element when multiple files or parts of files manifested the digital content represented by an <fptr> element. When used in the context of a <par> or <seq> element an <area> element can point either to an integral file or to a segment of a file as necessary.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="FILEID" type="xsd:IDREF" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">FILEID (IDREF/O): An optional attribute that provides the XML ID identifying the <file> element that links to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <fptr>. A <fptr> element should only have a FILEID attribute value if it does not have a child <area>, <par> or <seq> element. If it has a child element, then the responsibility for pointing to the relevant content falls to this child element or its descendants.</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
            <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <fptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
        <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
    <xsd:element name="div" type="divType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="ORDERLABELS"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the structural division represented by the <div> element.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the type of structural division that the <div> element represents. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <div> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
Simple Type URIs
Type list of xsd:anyURI
Used by
<xsd:simpleType name="URIs">
  <xsd:list itemType="xsd:anyURI"/>
Complex Type parType
parType: Complex Type for Parallel Files
The <par> or parallel files element aggregates pointers to files, parts of files, and/or sequences of files or parts of files that must be played or displayed simultaneously to manifest a block of digital content represented by an <fptr> element.
Used by
Children area, seq
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="parType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">parType: Complex Type for Parallel Files The <par> or parallel files element aggregates pointers to files, parts of files, and/or sequences of files or parts of files that must be played or displayed simultaneously to manifest a block of digital content represented by an <fptr> element.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:element name="area" type="areaType" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xsd:element name="seq" type="seqType" minOccurs="0"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="ORDERLABELS"/>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type areaType
areaType: Complex Type for Area Linking
The area element provides for more sophisticated linking between a div element and content files representing that div, be they text, image, audio, or video files.  An area element can link a div to a point within a file, to a one-dimension segment of a file (e.g., text segment, image line, audio/video clip), or a two-dimensional section of a file 	(e.g, subsection of an image, or a subsection of the  video display of a video file.  The area element has no content; all information is recorded within its various attributes.
Used by
QName Type Use Annotation
BEGIN xsd:string optional
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content begins. It can be used in conjunction with either the END attribute or the EXTENT attribute as a means of defining the relevant portion of the referenced file precisely. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE or EXTTYPE, which specify the kind of beginning/ending point values or beginning/extent values that are being used. The BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END or EXTENT element. In this case, the end of the content file is assumed to be the end point.
BETYPE xsd:string optional
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
					BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. For example, if BYTE is specified, then the BEGIN and END point values represent the byte offsets into a file. If IDREF is specified, then the BEGIN element specifies the ID value that identifies the element in a structured text file where the relevant section of the file begins; and the END value (if present) would specify the ID value that identifies the element with which the relevant section of the file ends.

        Suggested attribute values:
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <area> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
COORDS xsd:string optional
COORDS (string/O): Specifies the coordinates in an image map for the shape of the pertinent area as specified in the SHAPE attribute. While technically optional, SHAPE and COORDS must both appear together to define the relevant area of image content. COORDS should be used in conjunction with SHAPE in the manner defined for the COORDs and SHAPE attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. COORDS must be a comma delimited string of integer value pairs representing coordinates (plus radius in the case of CIRCLE) within an image. Number of coordinates pairs depends on shape: RECT: x1, y1, x2, y2; CIRC: x1, y1; POLY: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 . . .
END xsd:string optional
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element.
EXTENT xsd:string optional
EXTENT (string/O): An attribute that specifies the extent of the relevant section of the content file. Can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the EXTTYPE which specifies the kind of value that is being used. Typically the EXTENT attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element and would not be used if the BEGIN point represents an IDREF.
EXTTYPE xsd:string optional
EXTTYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of EXTENT values that are being used. For example if BYTE is specified then EXTENT would represent a byte count. If TIME is specified the EXTENT would represent a duration of time.

        Suggested attribute values:
FILEID xsd:IDREF required
FILEID (IDREF/R): An attribute which provides the XML ID value that identifies the <file> element in the <fileSec> that then points to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <area> element. It must contain an ID value represented in an ID attribute associated with a <file> element in the <fileSec> element in the same METS document.
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
MDID xsd:IDREFS optional
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the content represented by the <area> element.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
SHAPE xsd:string optional
SHAPE (string/O): An attribute that can be used as in HTML to define the shape of the relevant area within the content file pointed to by the <area> element. Typically this would be used with image content (still image or video frame) when only a portion of an image pertains. If SHAPE is specified then COORDS must also be present. SHAPE should be used in conjunction with COORDS in the manner defined for the shape and coords attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. Recommended attribute values are those allowed by HTML5; see also
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="areaType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">areaType: Complex Type for Area Linking The area element provides for more sophisticated linking between a div element and content files representing that div, be they text, image, audio, or video files. An area element can link a div to a point within a file, to a one-dimension segment of a file (e.g., text segment, image line, audio/video clip), or a two-dimensional section of a file (e.g, subsection of an image, or a subsection of the video display of a video file. The area element has no content; all information is recorded within its various attributes.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="FILEID" type="xsd:IDREF" use="required">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">FILEID (IDREF/R): An attribute which provides the XML ID value that identifies the <file> element in the <fileSec> that then points to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <area> element. It must contain an ID value represented in an ID attribute associated with a <file> element in the <fileSec> element in the same METS document.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="SHAPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">SHAPE (string/O): An attribute that can be used as in HTML to define the shape of the relevant area within the content file pointed to by the <area> element. Typically this would be used with image content (still image or video frame) when only a portion of an image pertains. If SHAPE is specified then COORDS must also be present. SHAPE should be used in conjunction with COORDS in the manner defined for the shape and coords attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. Recommended attribute values are those allowed by HTML5; see also</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="COORDS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">COORDS (string/O): Specifies the coordinates in an image map for the shape of the pertinent area as specified in the SHAPE attribute. While technically optional, SHAPE and COORDS must both appear together to define the relevant area of image content. COORDS should be used in conjunction with SHAPE in the manner defined for the COORDs and SHAPE attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. COORDS must be a comma delimited string of integer value pairs representing coordinates (plus radius in the case of CIRCLE) within an image. Number of coordinates pairs depends on shape: RECT: x1, y1, x2, y2; CIRC: x1, y1; POLY: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 . . .</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content begins. It can be used in conjunction with either the END attribute or the EXTENT attribute as a means of defining the relevant portion of the referenced file precisely. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE or EXTTYPE, which specify the kind of beginning/ending point values or beginning/extent values that are being used. The BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END or EXTENT element. In this case, the end of the content file is assumed to be the end point.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. For example, if BYTE is specified, then the BEGIN and END point values represent the byte offsets into a file. If IDREF is specified, then the BEGIN element specifies the ID value that identifies the element in a structured text file where the relevant section of the file begins; and the END value (if present) would specify the ID value that identifies the element with which the relevant section of the file ends. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="EXTENT" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">EXTENT (string/O): An attribute that specifies the extent of the relevant section of the content file. Can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the EXTTYPE which specifies the kind of value that is being used. Typically the EXTENT attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element and would not be used if the BEGIN point represents an IDREF.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="EXTTYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">EXTTYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of EXTENT values that are being used. For example if BYTE is specified then EXTENT would represent a byte count. If TIME is specified the EXTENT would represent a duration of time. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the content represented by the <area> element.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <area> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="ORDERLABELS"/>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Complex Type seqType
seqType: Complex Type for Sequences of Files
The seq element should be used to link a div to a set of content files when those files should be played/displayed sequentially to deliver content to a user.  Individual <area> subelements within the seq element provide the links to the files or portions thereof.
Used by
Children area, par
QName Type Use Annotation
ID xsd:ID optional
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
Wildcard: ANY attribute from ANY namespace OTHER than ''
<xsd:complexType name="seqType">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">seqType: Complex Type for Sequences of Files The seq element should be used to link a div to a set of content files when those files should be played/displayed sequentially to deliver content to a user. Individual <area> subelements within the seq element provide the links to the files or portions thereof.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
    <xsd:element name="area" type="areaType" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xsd:element name="par" type="parType" minOccurs="0"/>
  <xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attributeGroup ref="ORDERLABELS"/>
  <xsd:anyAttribute namespace="##other" processContents="lax"/>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / agent / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / agent / @ROLE
Namespace No namespace
ROLE (string/R): Specifies the function of the agent with respect to the METS document.
Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use required
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ROLE" use="required" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ROLE (string/R): Specifies the function of the agent with respect to the METS document. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / agent / @TYPE
Namespace No namespace
TYPE (string/O): is used to specify the type of AGENT.
Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TYPE" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): is used to specify the type of AGENT. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / altRecordID / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / altRecordID / @TYPE
Namespace No namespace
TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type.
Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / metsDocumentID / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / metsDocumentID / @TYPE
Namespace No namespace
TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type.

                        Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): A description of the identifier type. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / @MDID
Namespace No namespace
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the METS document itself.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the METS document itself.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / @CREATEDATE
Namespace No namespace
CREATEDATE (dateTime/O): Records the date/time the METS document was created.
Type xsd:dateTime
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="CREATEDATE" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CREATEDATE (dateTime/O): Records the date/time the METS document was created.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / @LASTMODDATE
Namespace No namespace
LASTMODDATE (dateTime/O): Is used to indicate the date/time the METS document was last modified.
Type xsd:dateTime
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="LASTMODDATE" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LASTMODDATE (dateTime/O): Is used to indicate the date/time the METS document was last modified.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / metsHdr / @RECORDSTATUS
Namespace No namespace
RECORDSTATUS (string/O): Specifies the status of the METS document. It is used for internal processing purposes.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="RECORDSTATUS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">RECORDSTATUS (string/O): Specifies the status of the METS document. It is used for internal processing purposes.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / mdRef / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Element mdType/mdRef
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
LOCREF (string/R): Specifies the location for resources. This may be a directly-resolvable URL (preferred for interoperability), or it may require the use of an external resolver or be system-specific. The LOCTYPE attribute identifies the type of location.
Type xsd:string
use required
Used by
Attribute Group LOCATION
<xsd:attribute name="LOCREF" type="xsd:string" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LOCREF (string/R): Specifies the location for resources. This may be a directly-resolvable URL (preferred for interoperability), or it may require the use of an external resolver or be system-specific. The LOCTYPE attribute identifies the type of location.</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
LOCTYPE (string/R): Specifies the locator type used in the LOCREF attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use required
Used by
Attribute Group LOCATION
<xsd:attribute name="LOCTYPE" type="xsd:string" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LOCTYPE (string/R): Specifies the locator type used in the LOCREF attribute. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
MDTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of the associated metadata.
Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use required
Used by
Attribute Group METADATA
<xsd:attribute name="MDTYPE" use="required" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of the associated metadata. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
MDTYPEVERSION(string/O): Provides a means for recording the version of the type of metadata (as recorded in the MDTYPE attribute) that is being used.  This may represent the version of the underlying data dictionary or metadata model rather than a schema version.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group METADATA
<xsd:attribute name="MDTYPEVERSION" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDTYPEVERSION(string/O): Provides a means for recording the version of the type of metadata (as recorded in the MDTYPE attribute) that is being used. This may represent the version of the underlying data dictionary or metadata model rather than a schema version.</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content.

        Registered media/MIME types:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group FILECORE
<xsd:attribute name="MIMETYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content. Registered media/MIME types:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute FILECORE / @SIZE
Namespace No namespace
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
Type xsd:long
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group FILECORE
<xsd:attribute name="SIZE" type="xsd:long" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
Type xsd:dateTime
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group FILECORE
<xsd:attribute name="CREATED" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group FILECORE
<xsd:attribute name="CHECKSUM" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group FILECORE
<xsd:attribute name="CHECKSUMTYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / mdRef / @LABEL
Namespace No namespace
LABEL (string/O): Provides a label to display to the viewer of the METS document that identifies the associated metadata.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element mdType/mdRef
<xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): Provides a label to display to the viewer of the METS document that identifies the associated metadata.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / mdWrap / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Element mdType/mdWrap
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / mdWrap / @LABEL
Namespace No namespace
LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a label to display to the viewer of the METS document identifying the metadata.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element mdType/mdWrap
<xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL: an optional string attribute providing a label to display to the viewer of the METS document identifying the metadata.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. The ID attribute on the <md> element is required, and its value should be referenced from one or more MDID attributes that are associated with other elements in the METS document. The following elements support references to a <md> element via a MDID attribute: <file>, <fileGrp> <stream>, <div>, <metsHdr>, <md>.
Type xsd:ID
use required
Used by
Complex Type mdType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. The ID attribute on the <md> element is required, and its value should be referenced from one or more MDID attributes that are associated with other elements in the METS document. The following elements support references to a <md> element via a MDID attribute: <file>, <fileGrp> <stream>, <div>, <metsHdr>, <md>.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / @USE
Namespace No namespace
USE: Specifies the purpose of metadata in this section.
Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type mdType
<xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE: Specifies the purpose of metadata in this section. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / @GROUPID
Namespace No namespace
GROUPID (string/O): This identifier is used to indicate that different metadata sections may be considered as part of a group. Two metadata sections with the same GROUPID value are to be considered part of the same group. For example this facility might be used to group changed versions of the same metadata if previous versions are maintained in a file for tracking purposes.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type mdType
<xsd:attribute name="GROUPID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">GROUPID (string/O): This identifier is used to indicate that different metadata sections may be considered as part of a group. Two metadata sections with the same GROUPID value are to be considered part of the same group. For example this facility might be used to group changed versions of the same metadata if previous versions are maintained in a file for tracking purposes.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / @MDID
Namespace No namespace
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the current <md> element. Typically used in this context to reference preservation metadata (use="DIGIPROV") which applies to the current metadata.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Complex Type mdType
<xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the current <md> element. Typically used in this context to reference preservation metadata (use="DIGIPROV") which applies to the current metadata.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / @CREATED
Namespace No namespace
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the metadata.
Type xsd:dateTime
use optional
Used by
Complex Type mdType
<xsd:attribute name="CREATED" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the metadata.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdType / @STATUS
Namespace No namespace
STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata
Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type mdType
<xsd:attribute name="STATUS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdSecType / mdGrp / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Element mdSecType/mdGrp
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation>ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdSecType / mdGrp / @USE
Namespace No namespace
USE (string/O): Specifies the purpose of the metadata contained in this group.

              Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element mdSecType/mdGrp
<xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): Specifies the purpose of the metadata contained in this group. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdSecType / mdGrp / @STATUS
Namespace No namespace
STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata
Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element mdSecType/mdGrp
<xsd:attribute name="STATUS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">STATUS (string/O): Indicates the status of this metadata Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute mdSecType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Complex Type mdSecType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / FLocat / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/FLocat
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / FLocat / @USE
Namespace No namespace
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file  represented by the <FLocat> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/FLocat
<xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FLocat> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / FContent / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / FContent / @USE
Namespace No namespace
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).
             Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of the specific copy of the file represented by the <FContent> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / stream / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / stream / @streamType
Namespace No namespace
streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="streamType" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">streamType (string/O): The IANA MIME media type for the bytestream.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / stream / @OWNERID
Namespace No namespace
OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): Used to provide a unique identifier (which could include a URI) assigned to the file. This identifier may differ from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / stream / @MDID
Namespace No namespace
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the bytestream.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the bytestream.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / stream / @BEGIN
Namespace No namespace
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <stream> begins. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the stream within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the stream. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / stream / @END
Namespace No namespace
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the <stream> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / stream / @BETYPE
Namespace No namespace
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
                    BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used.

                    Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Element fileType/stream
<xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @TRANSFORMTYPE
Namespace No namespace
TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams.

                  Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use required
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMTYPE" use="required" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of transformation needed to render content of a file accessible. This may include unpacking a file into subsidiary files/streams. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @TRANSFORMALGORITHM
Namespace No namespace
TRANSFORMALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.
Type xsd:string
use required
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMALGORITHM" type="xsd:string" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMALGORITHM (string/R): Specifies the decompression or decryption routine used to access the contents of the file. Algorithms for compression can be either loss-less or lossy.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @TRANSFORMKEY
Namespace No namespace
TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMKEY" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMKEY (string/O): A key to be used with the transform algorithm for accessing the file’s contents.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / transformFile / @TRANSFORMORDER
Namespace No namespace
TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.
Type xsd:positiveInteger
use required
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="TRANSFORMORDER" type="xsd:positiveInteger" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TRANSFORMORDER (postive-integer/R): The order in which the instructions must be followed in order to unpack or transform the container file.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>.  Such references establish links between  structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them.
Type xsd:ID
use required
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/R): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR. Typically, the ID attribute value on a <file> element would be referenced from one or more FILEID attributes (which are of type IDREF) on <fptr>and/or <area> elements within the <structMap>. Such references establish links between structural divisions (<div> elements) and the specific content files or parts of content files that manifest them.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / @SEQ
Namespace No namespace
SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.
Type xsd:int
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="SEQ" type="xsd:int" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">SEQ (integer/O): Indicates the sequence of this <file> relative to the others in its <fileGrp>.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / @OWNERID
Namespace No namespace
OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner.  This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="OWNERID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OWNERID (string/O): A unique identifier assigned to the file by its owner. This may be a URI which differs from the URI used to retrieve the file.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / @MDID
Namespace No namespace
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the file.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain metadata pertaining to the file.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / @GROUPID
Namespace No namespace
GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="GROUPID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">GROUPID (string/O): An identifier that establishes a correspondence between this file and files in other file groups. Typically, this will be used to associate a master file in one file group with the derivative files made from it in other file groups.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / @USE
Namespace No namespace
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of all copies of the file aggregated by the <file> element. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / @BEGIN
Namespace No namespace
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins.  When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current <file> begins. When used in conjunction with a <file> element, this attribute is only meaningful when this element is nested, and its parent <file> element represents a container file. It can be used in conjunction with the END attribute as a means of defining the location of the current file within its parent file. However, the BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END attribute. When no END attribute is specified, the end of the parent file is assumed also to be the end point of the current file. The BEGIN and END attributes can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with a BETYPE attribute, which specifies the kind of beginning/ending point values that are being used.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / @END
Namespace No namespace
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the parent <file> where the current, nested <file> ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN attribute.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileType / @BETYPE
Namespace No namespace
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used.
     Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileType
<xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" use="optional" type="xsd:string">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileGrpType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileGrpType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileGrpType / @VERSDATE
Namespace No namespace
VERSDATE (dateTime/O): An optional dateTime attribute specifying the date this version/fileGrp of the digital object was created.
Type xsd:dateTime
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileGrpType
<xsd:attribute name="VERSDATE" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">VERSDATE (dateTime/O): An optional dateTime attribute specifying the date this version/fileGrp of the digital object was created.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileGrpType / @MDID
Namespace No namespace
MDID (IDREF/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document applicable to all of the files in a particular file group.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileGrpType
<xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREF/O): Contains the ID attribute values of the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document applicable to all of the files in a particular file group.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute fileGrpType / @USE
Namespace No namespace
USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of files within this file group. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level.  A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>.  A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements.  A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>).

              Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type fileGrpType
<xsd:attribute name="USE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">USE (string/O): A tagging attribute to indicate the intended use of files within this file group. A USE attribute can be expressed at the<fileGrp> level, the <file> level, the <FLocat> level and/or the <FContent> level. A USE attribute value at the <fileGrp> level should pertain to all of the files in the <fileGrp>. A USE attribute at the <file> level should pertain to all copies of the file as represented by subsidiary <FLocat> and/or <FContent> elements. A USE attribute at the <FLocat> or <FContent> level pertains to the particular copy of the file that is either referenced (<FLocat>) or wrapped (<FContent>). Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / fileSec / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute divType / mptr / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Element divType/mptr
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute divType / mptr / @CONTENTIDS
Namespace No namespace
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <mptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
Type URIs
use optional
Used by
Element divType/mptr
<xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <mptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @FILEID
Namespace No namespace
FILEID (IDREF/R): An attribute which provides the XML ID value that identifies the <file> element in the <fileSec> that then points to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <area> element. It must contain an ID value represented in an ID attribute associated with a <file> element in the <fileSec> element in the same METS document.
Type xsd:IDREF
use required
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="FILEID" type="xsd:IDREF" use="required">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">FILEID (IDREF/R): An attribute which provides the XML ID value that identifies the <file> element in the <fileSec> that then points to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <area> element. It must contain an ID value represented in an ID attribute associated with a <file> element in the <fileSec> element in the same METS document.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @SHAPE
Namespace No namespace
SHAPE (string/O): An attribute that can be used as in HTML to define the shape of the relevant area within the content file pointed to by the <area> element. Typically this would be used with image content (still image or video frame) when only a portion of an image pertains. If SHAPE is specified then COORDS must also be present. SHAPE should be used in conjunction with COORDS in the manner defined for the shape and coords attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. Recommended attribute values are those allowed by HTML5; see also
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="SHAPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">SHAPE (string/O): An attribute that can be used as in HTML to define the shape of the relevant area within the content file pointed to by the <area> element. Typically this would be used with image content (still image or video frame) when only a portion of an image pertains. If SHAPE is specified then COORDS must also be present. SHAPE should be used in conjunction with COORDS in the manner defined for the shape and coords attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. Recommended attribute values are those allowed by HTML5; see also</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @COORDS
Namespace No namespace
COORDS (string/O): Specifies the coordinates in an image map for the shape of the pertinent area as specified in the SHAPE attribute. While technically optional, SHAPE and COORDS must both appear together to define the relevant area of image content. COORDS should be used in conjunction with SHAPE in the manner defined for the COORDs and SHAPE attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. COORDS must be a comma delimited string of integer value pairs representing coordinates (plus radius in the case of CIRCLE) within an image. Number of coordinates pairs depends on shape: RECT: x1, y1, x2, y2; CIRC: x1, y1; POLY: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 . . .
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="COORDS" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">COORDS (string/O): Specifies the coordinates in an image map for the shape of the pertinent area as specified in the SHAPE attribute. While technically optional, SHAPE and COORDS must both appear together to define the relevant area of image content. COORDS should be used in conjunction with SHAPE in the manner defined for the COORDs and SHAPE attributes on an HTML5 <area> element. COORDS must be a comma delimited string of integer value pairs representing coordinates (plus radius in the case of CIRCLE) within an image. Number of coordinates pairs depends on shape: RECT: x1, y1, x2, y2; CIRC: x1, y1; POLY: x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 . . .</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @BEGIN
Namespace No namespace
BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content begins. It can be used in conjunction with either the END attribute or the EXTENT attribute as a means of defining the relevant portion of the referenced file precisely. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE or EXTTYPE, which specify the kind of beginning/ending point values or beginning/extent values that are being used. The BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END or EXTENT element. In this case, the end of the content file is assumed to be the end point.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="BEGIN" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BEGIN (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content begins. It can be used in conjunction with either the END attribute or the EXTENT attribute as a means of defining the relevant portion of the referenced file precisely. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE or EXTTYPE, which specify the kind of beginning/ending point values or beginning/extent values that are being used. The BEGIN attribute can be used with or without a companion END or EXTENT element. In this case, the end of the content file is assumed to be the end point.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @END
Namespace No namespace
END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="END" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">END (string/O): An attribute that specifies the point in the content file where the relevant section of content ends. It can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the BETYPE, which specifies the kind of ending point values being used. Typically the END attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @BETYPE
Namespace No namespace
BETYPE: Begin/End Type.
					BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. For example, if BYTE is specified, then the BEGIN and END point values represent the byte offsets into a file. If IDREF is specified, then the BEGIN element specifies the ID value that identifies the element in a structured text file where the relevant section of the file begins; and the END value (if present) would specify the ID value that identifies the element with which the relevant section of the file ends.

        Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="BETYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">BETYPE: Begin/End Type. BETYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of BEGIN and/or END values that are being used. For example, if BYTE is specified, then the BEGIN and END point values represent the byte offsets into a file. If IDREF is specified, then the BEGIN element specifies the ID value that identifies the element in a structured text file where the relevant section of the file begins; and the END value (if present) would specify the ID value that identifies the element with which the relevant section of the file ends. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @EXTENT
Namespace No namespace
EXTENT (string/O): An attribute that specifies the extent of the relevant section of the content file. Can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the EXTTYPE which specifies the kind of value that is being used. Typically the EXTENT attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element and would not be used if the BEGIN point represents an IDREF.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="EXTENT" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">EXTENT (string/O): An attribute that specifies the extent of the relevant section of the content file. Can only be interpreted meaningfully in conjunction with the EXTTYPE which specifies the kind of value that is being used. Typically the EXTENT attribute would only appear in conjunction with a BEGIN element and would not be used if the BEGIN point represents an IDREF.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @EXTTYPE
Namespace No namespace
EXTTYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of EXTENT values that are being used. For example if BYTE is specified then EXTENT would represent a byte count. If TIME is specified the EXTENT would represent a duration of time.

        Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="EXTTYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">EXTTYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the kind of EXTENT values that are being used. For example if BYTE is specified then EXTENT would represent a byte count. If TIME is specified the EXTENT would represent a duration of time. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @MDID
Namespace No namespace
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the content represented by the <area> element.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the content represented by the <area> element.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute areaType / @CONTENTIDS
Namespace No namespace
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <area> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
Type URIs
use optional
Used by
Complex Type areaType
<xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <area> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
Type xsd:integer
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group ORDERLABELS
<xsd:attribute name="ORDER" type="xsd:integer" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group ORDERLABELS
<xsd:attribute name="ORDERLABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.</xsd:documentation>
Namespace No namespace
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Attribute Group ORDERLABELS
<xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute parType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Complex Type parType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute seqType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Complex Type seqType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute divType / fptr / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Element divType/fptr
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute divType / fptr / @FILEID
Namespace No namespace
FILEID (IDREF/O): An optional attribute that provides the XML ID identifying the <file> element that links to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <fptr>. A <fptr> element should only have a FILEID attribute value if it does not have a child <area>, <par> or <seq> element. If it has a child element, then the responsibility for pointing to the relevant content falls to this child element or its descendants.
Type xsd:IDREF
use optional
Used by
Element divType/fptr
<xsd:attribute name="FILEID" type="xsd:IDREF" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">FILEID (IDREF/O): An optional attribute that provides the XML ID identifying the <file> element that links to and/or contains the digital content represented by the <fptr>. A <fptr> element should only have a FILEID attribute value if it does not have a child <area>, <par> or <seq> element. If it has a child element, then the responsibility for pointing to the relevant content falls to this child element or its descendants.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute divType / fptr / @CONTENTIDS
Namespace No namespace
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <fptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
Type URIs
use optional
Used by
Element divType/fptr
<xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <fptr> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
Attribute divType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Complex Type divType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute divType / @MDID
Namespace No namespace
MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the structural division represented by the <div> element.
Type xsd:IDREFS
use optional
Used by
Complex Type divType
<xsd:attribute name="MDID" type="xsd:IDREFS" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDID (IDREFS/O): Contains the ID attribute values identifying the <md> elements within the <mdSec> of the METS document that contain or link to metadata pertaining to the structural division represented by the <div> element.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute divType / @TYPE
Namespace No namespace
TYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the type of structural division that the <div> element represents.

          Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type divType
<xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): An attribute that specifies the type of structural division that the <div> element represents. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute divType / @CONTENTIDS
Namespace No namespace
CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <div> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).
Type URIs
use optional
Used by
Complex Type divType
<xsd:attribute name="CONTENTIDS" type="URIs" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CONTENTIDS (URI/O): Content IDs for the content represented by the <div> (equivalent to DIDL DII or Digital Item Identifier, a unique external ID).</xsd:documentation>
Attribute structMapType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Complex Type structMapType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute structMapType / @TYPE
Namespace No namespace
TYPE (string/O): Identifies the type of structure represented by the <structMap>. For example, a <structMap> that represented a purely logical or intellectual structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “logical” whereas a <structMap> that represented a purely physical structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “physical”. However, the METS schema neither defines nor requires a common vocabulary for this attribute. A METS profile, however, may well constrain the values for the <structMap> TYPE.

        Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type structMapType
<xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): Identifies the type of structure represented by the <structMap>. For example, a <structMap> that represented a purely logical or intellectual structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “logical” whereas a <structMap> that represented a purely physical structure could be assigned a TYPE value of “physical”. However, the METS schema neither defines nor requires a common vocabulary for this attribute. A METS profile, however, may well constrain the values for the <structMap> TYPE. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute structMapType / @LABEL
Namespace No namespace
LABEL (string/O): Describes the <structMap> to viewers of the METS document. This would be useful primarily where more than one <structMap> is provided for a single object. A descriptive LABEL value, in that case, could clarify to users the purpose of each of the available structMaps.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type structMapType
<xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): Describes the <structMap> to viewers of the METS document. This would be useful primarily where more than one <structMap> is provided for a single object. A descriptive LABEL value, in that case, could clarify to users the purpose of each of the available structMaps.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / structSec / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / @ID
Namespace No namespace
ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.
Type xsd:ID
use optional
Used by
Complex Type metsType
<xsd:attribute name="ID" type="xsd:ID" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ID (ID/O): This attribute uniquely identifies the element within the METS document, and would allow the element to be referenced unambiguously from another element or document via an IDREF or an XPTR.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / @OBJID
Namespace No namespace
OBJID (string/O): Is the primary identifier assigned to the METS object as a whole. Although this attribute is not required, it is strongly recommended. This identifier is used to tag the entire METS object to external systems, in contrast with the ID identifier.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type metsType
<xsd:attribute name="OBJID" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">OBJID (string/O): Is the primary identifier assigned to the METS object as a whole. Although this attribute is not required, it is strongly recommended. This identifier is used to tag the entire METS object to external systems, in contrast with the ID identifier.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / @LABEL
Namespace No namespace
LABEL (string/O): Is a simple title string used to identify the object/entity being described in the METS document for the user.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type metsType
<xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): Is a simple title string used to identify the object/entity being described in the METS document for the user.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / @TYPE
Namespace No namespace
TYPE (string/O): Specifies the class or type of the object.

          Suggested attribute values:
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type metsType
<xsd:attribute name="TYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">TYPE (string/O): Specifies the class or type of the object. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute metsType / @PROFILE
Namespace No namespace
PROFILE (string/O): Indicates the URI of the METS Profile this METS document conforms to.
Type xsd:string
use optional
Used by
Complex Type metsType
<xsd:attribute name="PROFILE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
    <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">PROFILE (string/O): Indicates the URI of the METS Profile this METS document conforms to.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Group LOCATION
Used by
QName Type Use Annotation
LOCREF xsd:string required
LOCREF (string/R): Specifies the location for resources. This may be a directly-resolvable URL (preferred for interoperability), or it may require the use of an external resolver or be system-specific. The LOCTYPE attribute identifies the type of location.
LOCTYPE xsd:string required
LOCTYPE (string/R): Specifies the locator type used in the LOCREF attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
<xsd:attributeGroup name="LOCATION">
  <xsd:attribute name="LOCREF" type="xsd:string" use="required">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LOCREF (string/R): Specifies the location for resources. This may be a directly-resolvable URL (preferred for interoperability), or it may require the use of an external resolver or be system-specific. The LOCTYPE attribute identifies the type of location.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="LOCTYPE" type="xsd:string" use="required">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LOCTYPE (string/R): Specifies the locator type used in the LOCREF attribute. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Group METADATA
Used by
QName Type Use Annotation
MDTYPE xsd:string required
MDTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of the associated metadata.
Suggested attribute values:
MDTYPEVERSION xsd:string optional
MDTYPEVERSION(string/O): Provides a means for recording the version of the type of metadata (as recorded in the MDTYPE attribute) that is being used.  This may represent the version of the underlying data dictionary or metadata model rather than a schema version.
<xsd:attributeGroup name="METADATA">
  <xsd:attribute name="MDTYPE" use="required" type="xsd:string">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDTYPE (string/R): Is used to indicate the type of the associated metadata. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="MDTYPEVERSION" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MDTYPEVERSION(string/O): Provides a means for recording the version of the type of metadata (as recorded in the MDTYPE attribute) that is being used. This may represent the version of the underlying data dictionary or metadata model rather than a schema version.</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Group FILECORE
Used by
Elements mdType/mdRef, mdType/mdWrap
Complex Type fileType
QName Type Use Annotation
CHECKSUM xsd:string optional
CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.
CHECKSUMTYPE xsd:string optional
CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute.
Suggested attribute values:
CREATED xsd:dateTime optional
CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.
MIMETYPE xsd:string optional
MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content.

        Registered media/MIME types:
SIZE xsd:long optional
SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.
<xsd:attributeGroup name="FILECORE">
  <xsd:attribute name="MIMETYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">MIMETYPE (string/O): The IANA media type (formerly known as MIME type) for the associated file or wrapped content. Registered media/MIME types:</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="SIZE" type="xsd:long" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">SIZE (long/O): Specifies the size in bytes of the associated file or wrapped content.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="CREATED" type="xsd:dateTime" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CREATED (dateTime/O): Specifies the date and time of creation for the associated file or wrapped content.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="CHECKSUM" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CHECKSUM (string/O): Provides a checksum value for the associated file or wrapped content.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="CHECKSUMTYPE" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">CHECKSUMTYPE (enumerated string/O): Specifies the checksum algorithm used to produce the value contained in the CHECKSUM attribute. Suggested attribute values:</xsd:documentation>
Attribute Group ORDERLABELS
Used by
Complex Types areaType, divType, parType, seqType
QName Type Use Annotation
LABEL xsd:string optional
LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDER xsd:integer optional
ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.
ORDERLABEL xsd:string optional
ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.
<xsd:attributeGroup name="ORDERLABELS">
  <xsd:attribute name="ORDER" type="xsd:integer" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ORDER (integer/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., its absolute, numeric sequence). For an example, and clarification of the distinction between ORDER and ORDERLABEL, see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="ORDERLABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">ORDERLABEL (string/O): A representation of the element's order among its siblings (e.g., “xii”), or of any non-integer native numbering system. It is presumed that this value will still be machine actionable (e.g., it would support ‘go to page ___’ function), and it should not be used as a replacement/substitute for the LABEL attribute. To understand the differences between ORDER, ORDERLABEL and LABEL, imagine a text with 10 roman numbered pages followed by 10 arabic numbered pages. Page iii would have an ORDER of “3”, an ORDERLABEL of “iii” and a LABEL of “Page iii”, while page 3 would have an ORDER of “13”, an ORDERLABEL of “3” and a LABEL of “Page 3”.</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:attribute name="LABEL" type="xsd:string" use="optional">
      <xsd:documentation xml:lang="en">LABEL (string/O): An attribute used, for example, to identify a <div> to an end user viewing the document. Thus a hierarchical arrangement of the <div> LABEL values could provide a table of contents to the digital content represented by a METS document and facilitate the users’ navigation of the digital object. Note that a <div> LABEL should be specific to its level in the structural map. In the case of a book with chapters, the book <div> LABEL should have the book title and the chapter <div>; LABELs should have the individual chapter titles, rather than having the chapter <div> LABELs combine both book title and chapter title . For further of the distinction between LABEL and ORDERLABEL see the description of the ORDERLABEL attribute.</xsd:documentation>