Rights metadata

Some form of intellectual property rights statement regarding the content of the digital object and the source from which it was derived might be added.

In our example case we create a section for PREMIS Rights Statement metadata in the following way:

<mets:md ID="rights-001" USE="RIGHTS">
            <premis:licenseTerms>The text of this paper is published under a CC BY-SA license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).</premis:licenseTerms>

In element <mets:md>, attributes ID and USE describe the identifier and the use of the metadata section, respectively. For rights metadata, we recommend using value RIGHTS for attribute USE. Elements <mets:mdWrap> and <mets:xmlData> denote that the metadata is embedded in the section in XML format. Attributes MDTYPE and MDTYPEVERSION define that the type of the included metadata is PREMIS Rights of version 3.0.