METS How-Tos
Examples and descriptions of how to accomplish various tasks in METS using the available elements and attributes as well as how to relate together various parts of the METS document and the components digital object it describes.
METS Header
- Describing the digital object with metadata
- Descriptive metadata - embedding binary MARC records
- Digital provenance metadata – PREMIS
- Describing characteristics of the source material
- Including descriptive metadata with MODS
- Intellectual property rights metadata
- Technical metadata for images
- Referring to external metadata
- Embedding metadata in METS
Content Files
- Describing digital object content
- File section example - audio and transcription
- File section example - multiple image representations
- Grouping related files
- Handling ‘wrapper’ file formats
- Representing parts of files
- Referencing external files
- Embedding file content
Embedding content and metadata
- Embedding file content
- Embedding metadata in METS
- Embedding XML content in METS
- Embedding binary data in METS
Structuring and Linking
- Referencing METS elements from external documents
- Referencing external files
- Referring to Parts of XML Documents
- Referring to elements within METS
- Referring to external metadata
- Referring to parts of external XML documents
- Linking to external resources from METS
- IDREF linking across different namespaces