Technical metadata for images
Technical metadata is metadata about a component of the METS object, such as a digital content file. One might, for example, have a <md>
element which includes technical metadata regarding a file’s preparation:
TODO use current version of NISO/MIX schema
<mets:md ID="AMD001" USE="TECHNICAL">
<mets:mdWrap MIMETYPE="text/xml" MDTYPE="NISOIMG" LABEL="NISO Img.Data">
<niso:ScanningAgency>NYU Press</niso:ScanningAgency>
Within a file section, a <file>
element within a <fileGrp>
might then identify the administrative metadata pertaining to the file to which it points by referencing an MDID attribute for its <md>
<mets:file ID="FILE001" MDID="AMD001">
<mets:FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" LOCREF=""/>
Below, there are links to a few technical metadata standards: