METS Header

The mets header element <metsHdr> captures metadata about the METS document itself, not the digital object the METS document encodes. Although it records a more limited set of metadata, it is very similar in function and purpose to the headers employed in other schema such as the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) or in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD).

Elements contained in the METS header

The <metsHdr> may include: document author or agent, any alternative identifiers for a METS document, creation and update dates and times, and the status of the METS document.

Modification to this example record is indicated in LASTMODDATE.

<metsHdr CREATEDATE="2006-05-09T15:00:00"
    <mets:name>Rick Beaubien</mets:name>
  <mets:altRecordID TYPE="LCCN">20022838</mets:altRecordID>