METS root element
The root element <mets>
establishes the container for the information being stored and/or transmitted by the standard.
<mets:mets OBJID="loc.natlib.ihas.200003790"
Elements contained in the root element
The METS document structure consists of seven major sections, which in turn may contain a variety of elements and attributes as specified in the METS schema.
At the most general level a METS document may contain the following sections: each of which is described in its own section of this chapter.
METS Header - metsHdr – The METS Header contains metadata describing the METS document itself, including such information as creator, editor, etc.
Metadata Section - mdSec – This section contains metadata that is external to the METS document, internally embedded metadata, or both. Multiple instances of both external and internal metadata may be included in the metadata section. The Metadata Section can have for example descriptive metadata, information about how the files were created and stored, intellectual property rights, metadata regarding the original source object from which the digital object was derived, information regarding the provenance of the files that comprise the object (i.e., master/derivative file relationships, and migration/transformation information).
File section - fileSec – A list of all files that contain content which make up the electronic versions of the digital object. File elements may be grouped within File Group elements, to provide for subdividing the files by object version or other criteria such as file type, size etc.
Structural map section - structSec – Structural Map Section outlines a hierarchical structure for the digital object, and links the elements of that structure to content files and metadata that pertain to each element.
METS root element example
This example uses: XML version 1.0 with UTF-8 encoding, an enumerated list of the standards used in this record with the URLs, the OBJID for this digital object represented by the METS document in the form of a URN, and a human readable LABEL which describes the work being encoded (in this case, the title of the work).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mets:mets xmlns:mets=""
LABEL="Martial Epigrams">